张学友(Jacky Cheung)

流派:Jazz, Pop, R&B/Soul


歌曲 歌词翻译 专辑
人间道 Tao of the Human World (English)
枕边月亮 Moonlight beside the Pillow (English)
回头太难 Too Difficult to Turn Back (English)
离人 Departing One (English)
我只想唱歌 I Just Want To Sing (English) Wake Up Dreaming (2014)
心如刀割 My heart feels like it's been cut out (English)
别问 Don't Ask (English)
秋意浓 Late Autumn (English) 吻别 (1990)
爱是永恒 Love is Eternal (English)
慢慢 Slowly (English)
想和你去吹吹风 I really want to enjoy the cool with you (English)
心如刀割 Heart cut by a knife (English)
定风波 In the Storm (English)
我醒著做梦 I Dream While Awake (English) Wake-up Dreaming (2014)
我等到花儿也谢了 I've waited for so long, that even the flower has withered. (English)
深海 The Deep Sea (English)
流星下的愿 Wish Upon a Shooting Star [Snow Wolf Lake] (English) Snow Wolf Lake
用余生去爱 Use My Remaining Life to Love (English)
心碎了无痕 Heart-broken But No Scar (English)
一路上有你 If You're There for the Journey (English) The Goodbye Kiss (1993)