Poets of the Fall

Poets of the Fall

Poets of the Fall歌曲列表

歌曲 歌词翻译 专辑
Carnival of Rust 斑驳的游乐园 (中文) Carnival of Rust
Nothing Stays the Same 一切都会不一样 (中文) Jealous Gods (2014)
Nothing Stays the Same 一切都会不一样 (中文) Jealous Gods (2014)
No End, No Beginning 没有结局,没有开始 (中文) CD Single
Love Will Come to You 爱会来到你身边 (中文) Jealous Gods (2014)
Daze 目眩神迷 (中文) Jealous Gods (2014)
Cradled in Love 爱的怀抱 (中文) Temple of Thought (2012)
The Poet and the Muse 诗人与缪思 (中文) Alan Wake