五条人(Wu Tiao Ren)

流派:Pop, Pop-Folk


歌曲 歌词翻译 专辑
梦幻丽莎发廊 Dreamy Lisa Salon (English) Dreamy Lisa Salon
美丽漂亮,英俊潇洒 Beautiful Pretty, Handsome Dashing (English) Stories (2015)
世情 The Ways of the World (English) Some Other Scenery
阿珍爱上了阿强 Jane falls in love with John (English) Dreamy Lisa Salon
广东姑娘 Canton Girl (English) Canton Girl
做梦 Dreaming (English) Some Other Scenery
梦想化工厂 Chemical Dream Factory (English) A Tale of Haifeng
地球仪 Globe (English)
最寒冷的一天 The Coldest Day (English) Stories
问题出现我再告诉大家 I'll tell everyone when the problem arises (English) A Tale of Haifeng
鲜花在岸上开 Fresh Flowers Bloom on the Shore (English) Some Other Scenery
城市找猪 Searching for Pigs in the City (English) Some Other Scenery
深圳的街头 The Street Corner in Shenzhen (English) Stories
晚上好 春天小姐 Good evening, Miss. Spring Day (English) Canton Girl
海风 Sea Breeze (English) Canton Girl
道山靓仔 Daoshan Boy (English)
道山靓仔 The Handsome Guy on the Mountain (English)