黄丽玲 - All In 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

All In

When there’s no wind, when there's no dream, the ship cannot travel far
I can only look for turning clouds and overflowing rain in the fog

Loving you, is like being stranded (alone) on an island
Not loving you, I'd rather die.

In a dream, I burned my wings
Baby, I’ve broken off all escape routes, turning them all into ashes

If the dream only rose in the dawn
Baby, I’ve decided to let the love all in
All or nothing, you win it all

Have no fear, don’t give up
Don’t give up hope, or on yourself
Unless love, is no longer love

The last train has left; but I’m still here
Love is the power; I do not hesitate to face against the world

I love you, incredibly deep
Your heart, is my promised land

In a dream, I sing your name
Baby, I do not accept anyone’s judgment which wants meto be silence

If the dream is just a mirage/vision
Baby, I've decided to let the love all in
Loving you is addicting; so why be wide awake while loving you?

In a dream, I sing your name
Baby, I do not accept anyone’s judgment about my vow of silence

If the dream is just a mirage/vision
Baby, I've decided to let the love all in
Loving you is addicting; why be wide awake while loving you?

Why be wide awake?
Again, why be wide awake?
How can I be wide awake?
原始歌词 (Chinese)

All In

没有风 没有梦 船无法远行
我只能 在雾里 找翻云覆雨

爱上你 像困在孤岛里
不爱你 我却不如死去

梦里 我焚烧了我的羽翼
Baby 我已断去所有退路 化为灰烬

Baby 我仍决定让爱All In
无限或零 你都全赢

不能畏惧 不能放弃
不能死心 不能自己
除非爱情 已不爱情

末班车已驶离 我仍在这里
爱是权力 我不惜与世界为敌

我爱你 深的不可思议
你的心 是我应许之地

梦里我吟唱著 你的姓名
Baby 我不接受 谁的审判 要我禁语

Baby 我仍决定让爱All In
爱你是瘾 又何必清醒

梦里我吟唱著 你的姓名
Baby 我不接受 谁的审判 要我禁语

Baby 我仍决定让爱All In
爱你是瘾 何必清醒
