黄丽玲 - 好朋友的祝福 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

A Best Friend’s Blessings

Did you manage to quit smoking in the end?
Have you been happy all these years?
The sweetness of this coffee, is still the type you like
Upon our reunion, we have all changed

You asked me if I still work overtime often?
That tone of comments is still as warm as before
Time always teaches people, to remember the good things
Why didn’t I say goodbye peacefully that time?

That year, I lost my best friend, and the person I love the most
Both of you are in love, while I live with sadness
However, love cannot be decided by people, and there is nothing right or wrong that lasts forever (in love)
But back then, what I only knew was hatred

I really wish to lift up my courage and talk about your happy life with you
Why should I feel cruel about your happiness?
No matter how bitter it is in our eyes, our hearts should let go
My best friend, I wish both of you the best
原始歌词 (Chinese)


这咖啡的甜度 照旧是你爱的
重逢的我们 一切却都变了

时间总是教人 把好的都记得
当初为什么 没好好再见呢

你们相爱 我和悲伤共生共存
而爱从不由人 对错不会永恒

好想鼓起勇气 陪你聊聊美满的人生
你的快乐 我凭什么感觉残忍
眼眶就算苦涩 心也该放下了