黄丽玲 - 最悲伤的事 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

The Saddest Thing

You did not take away all my thoughts for you
Please return my apologies, please hate my intolerable deeds
A complete story of an incomplete story
The saddest thing is that I have never moved a step from the starting point

I am also tired of meretricious promises
Relying on your reliance on me, yet I’m hoping for a chance to hope
All I have are mediocre words, to go along with your wishes
The saddest thing is that you made a clean exit

Don’t look back, you won’t know how much you owe me
Day and night, near and far
Feelings will replace feelings
Regrets have not gone far, yet happiness is no longer in sight

Finding myself a reason not to love
It was true yet gentle, faint yet genuine
Loneliness has expressed an expression
Rain or shine, you were always there for me

I’m learning about tide times
Reminding me of your absence yet reminded me of my presence
As I gently caress the past, loneliness will live with me forever
The saddest thing is that we have never stopped missing

Don’t look back,
You won’t know how much you owe me
Day and night, near and far
Feelings will replace feelings
Regrets have not gone far, yet happiness is no longer in sight

Finding myself a reason not to love
It was true yet gentle, faint yet genuine
Loneliness has expressed an expression
Rain or shine, you were always there for me

Giving ourselves an excuse to meet again
Longing and yearning, lightly and gently
Nothing can stop me from missing you dearly
The day of reunion shall be the end of all sadness
原始歌词 (Chinese)


你没带走 所有的思念
请退回我的抱歉 请讨厌我的讨厌
完整的故事 不完整的圆
最悲伤的事 是我还在原点

我也厌倦 廉价的誓言
依赖著你的依赖 却还期待著期待
卑微的字眼 配合的表演
最悲伤的事 是你不拖不欠

别回头 每当你又亏欠我
日日夜夜 近近远远
遗憾从未走远 只是幸福已经不见

给自己 一个不爱的理由
真真切切 隐隐约约
尽管下雨的街头 也曾有你的守候

我学习著 潮汐的时间
提醒著你的离开 却存在我的存在
孤独的永远 轻抚著从前
最悲伤的事 是我们还想念

别回头 每当你又亏欠我
日日夜夜 近近远远
遗憾从未走远 只是幸福已经不见

给自己 一个不爱的理由
真真切切 隐隐约约
尽管下雨的街头 也曾有你的守候

给我们 一个相遇的借口
心心念念 轻轻浅浅
再次重逢的午后 会是悲伤的尽头