告五人 - 我以为你不会出现 (Take Me With You) 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

I Thought You Would Never Come

I thought you would never come to this fake world
I thought you would never come to yesterday when time stood still

I want you to be there when I open my eyes tomorrow
So that morning and midnight are different, it's no longer just from night to day

"Too beautiful, I thought it was all an illusion"
Fata morgana confuses my senses and shatters my illusions

Please take me away, let's fly over the deserted land
Don't linger in my heart, and then leave me again

Please take me away from the oasis without you
Don't let me live alone in quiet

Please show me the clues in your eyes
I think I can also take the unknown as a promise

Your persistence is my heartbeat
As I urge my feet to keep moving

I thought you would never come
原始歌词 (Chinese)

我以为你不会出现 (Take Me With You)

我以为你不会出现 在这虚伪的世界
我以为你不会出现 在时间静止的昨天

我想要你在明天 睁开眼就在身边
清晨午夜有了区别 不再是黑夜到白天

海市蜃楼颠倒知觉 一并颠覆我的意念

请带走我 飞过无人的沙漠
别在我的心中 反复驻足又走

请带著我 离开没有你的绿洲
不要让我独自 安稳地生活

请告诉我 在你眼神里的线索
我想我也能够 把未知当承诺

你的执著 是我跳动的脉搏
在我不断催促 脚步的时候
