千古玦尘 - 千寻 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

A Thousand Years Of Search

How many memories are written for you
Turned into texture, engraved in the palm of your hand
Thousands of revolutions, how many drifts
Only let me miss and hug my back

Use it till you die, write down a whisper Protect a heart in the name of heaven and earth If love turns to ashes in the end Change me to be the light and shadow in your eyes

I am willing to search for thousands of days and nights
Waiting for the time to meet again in your eyes
Exchange a lifetime for a second encounter
It's a shame if you can do it

I am willing to indulge in thousands of past
Waiting for tears, dizzy and smiling
How lucky is to allow
Always trapped in your heart

Use it till you die, write down a whisper Protect a heart in the name of heaven and earth If love turns to ashes in the end Change me to be the light and shadow in your eyes

I am willing to search for thousands of days and nights
Waiting for the time to meet again in your eyes
Exchange a lifetime for one second encounter It's a shame if you can do it

I am willing to indulge in thousands of past Waiting for tears, dizzy and smiling
How lucky is to allow
Always trapped in your heart
Pursuing thousands of miles for you
原始歌词 (Chinese)


多少回忆 伏笔为你
化作纹理 刻在掌心
百转千回 多少颠沛流离
才让思念 拥抱背影

用至死不渝 写下耳语
以天地为名 守护一颗心
如果爱最后 化为灰烬
换我 做你眼里的 光影

我愿意 在千万个朝夕里寻觅
等光阴 重逢在你眼里
用一生 交换 一秒的相遇
能成全 就不可惜

我愿意 在千万个往昔里沉溺
等泪滴 晕开笑意
要有多幸运 才能允许
永远受困 你心底

用至死不渝 写下耳语
以天地为名 守护一颗心
如果爱最后 化为灰烬
换我 做你眼里的 光影

我愿意 在千万个朝夕里寻觅
等光阴 重逢在你眼里
用一生 交换 一秒的相遇
能成全 就不可惜

我愿意 在千万个往昔里沉溺
等泪滴 晕开笑意
要有多幸运 才能允许
永远受困 你心底
为你追寻 千万里