张韶涵 - 不害怕 (I'm Not Afraid) 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Not Afraid

Everyone is struggling
Everyone has a desired destination
Sometimes ‬your ‬guardian angel doesn’t respond
Because your desire isn't strong enough

I wipe away my tears and set off once again

I soar through the long night
Searching for my very own starlight
I know that being truthful makes me vulnerable
I’m not afraid, ‬I’m not ‬afraid

I will run towards the distant place inside my heart
And embrace the gloriest moment with my own hands
Although one may get lost on crossroads
I’m not afraid, ‬I’m not afraid

Those with dreams
live in a world that’s reckless and fearless

‬I’m not ‬afraid

I want ‬to shine in front of you
I want to see the proud look on your face
I have only one minute to grief
Then smile will wash away all distress

There must be happiness ahead

I soar through the long night
Searching for my very own starlight
I know that being truthful makes me vulnerable
I’m not afraid, ‬I’m not ‬afraid

I will run towards the distant place inside my heart
And embrace the gloriest moment with my own hands
Although one may get lost on crossroads
I’m not afraid, ‬I’m not afraid

Those with dreams
live in a world that’s reckless and fearless

Twinkle, ‬twinkle, ‬stars are shining
‬Twinkle, ‬twinkle they bring me hope
Tears filled ‬my eyes silently

I soar through the long night
Searching for my very own starlight
I know that being truthful makes me vulnerable
I’m not afraid, ‬I’m not ‬afraid

I will run towards the distant place inside my heart
And embrace the gloriest moment with my own hands
Although one may get lost on crossroads
I’m not afraid, ‬I’m not afraid

Tears won’t fall if you tilt your head up
Put on a smile and all anxiety will be gone
Follow what your heart desires,
over steep hills, ‬across the ocean

I believe my life is about to dawn
I believe treasure hides in every struggle
A future awaits my arrival
I’m on my way, ‬on my way now

Those with dreams
do not fear the long journey

‬I’m not afraid
原始歌词 (Chinese)

不害怕 (I'm Not Afraid)

每一个人 都在挣扎
每一个人 都有想去的地方
有时候 天使不回答
也许只是因为 心还不够渴望

我擦干泪水 再一次出发

我在漫漫长夜之中 飞翔
寻找属于我的 那道星光
明明知道诚实 容易受伤
我不害怕 我不害怕

我要奔向 我心里的远方
亲手拥抱 最美好的时光
路上难免 也会迷失方向
我不害怕 我不害怕

世界多么疯狂 都不害怕


想看见你为我 骄傲的模样
然后微笑 就把挫折都遗忘

一定有幸福 在我的前方

我在漫漫长夜之中 飞翔
寻找属于我的 那道星光
明明知道诚实 容易受伤
我不害怕 我不害怕

我要奔向 我心里的远方
亲手拥抱 最美好的时光
路上难免 也会迷失方向
我不害怕 我不害怕

世界多么疯狂 都不害怕

一闪一闪 星星亮了
一闪一闪 给我希望
不知不觉 我热泪盈眶

我在漫漫长夜之中 飞翔
寻找属于我的 那道星光
明明知道诚实 容易受伤
我不害怕 我不害怕

我要奔向 我心里的远方
亲手拥抱 最美好的时光
路上难免 也会迷失方向
我不害怕 我不害怕

抬起头来 泪就不会落下
扬起嘴角 我就不再徬徨
跟著心里 最想要的愿望
越过高山 越过海洋

我愿相信 生命就要天亮
我愿相信 痛苦里有宝藏
有个明天 正在等我抵达
我在路上 正在路上

路有多长 都不害怕
