张韶涵 - 有形的翅膀 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Visible Wings

Along the way, I have gone through joy and sorrow, true and false
And seen many changes through my eyes
Sometimes, I will also feel a little tired
For a moment, I doubt everything around me

Invisible wings take me to daydream
Passing through despair, looking for hope
But your strength is the real flight on me
Taking me to resist the injuries I have suffered
Every lonely night
We are each other's visible wings, learning to be stronger

Along the way, I have gone through love and hate, wrong and right
It's hard to say it completely in a single word
Sometimes, I also want to shed some tears
And stand up and face it after I cry

Invisible wings take me to daydream
Passing through despair, looking for hope
But your strength is the real flight on me
Taking me to resist the injuries I have suffered
Every lonely night
We are each other's visible wings, learning to be stronger

I used to be afraid, so I know that I will inevitably be depressed
I have been injured, so I am more eager to fly beautifully
You're by my side, singing bravely with me
Like a home that protects me
We are each other's visible wings, flying into strength
With real wings, we wipe away those tears and still remember our dreams
原始歌词 (Chinese)


这一路 翻越了喜与悲 是与非
一双眼 看过许多变迁
有时候 我也会 觉得有一点累
一瞬间 怀疑身边一切

隐形翅膀 带著我幻想
掠过那绝望 找希望
你的力量 却是我身上真实的飞翔
带著我抵挡 曾受过的伤
我们是彼此有形的翅膀 学著更坚强

这一路 经历了爱与恨 错与对
一句话 很难说得完全
有时候 我也会想要掉一些泪
哭完了 再站起来面对

隐形翅膀 带著我幻想
掠过那绝望 找希望
你的力量 却是我身上真实的飞翔
带著我抵挡 曾受过的伤
我们是彼此有形的翅膀 学著更坚强

我曾害怕 所以我懂得难免会沮丧的模样
我受过伤 所以更渴望美丽的飞翔
你在我身旁 陪我勇敢唱
我们是彼此有形的翅膀 飞进了坚强
真实的翅膀 擦去那泪光 还记得梦想