蔡佩轩 - 雨季 (In the Rain) 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Rainy Season

Lightning flashes across the horizon outside the window, illuminating memories
It's you who brought this pouring rain
My room is so quiet, dispelling the loneliness
My dreams are completely occupied by your figure

Your departure is an unending cold rainy season
Yearnings keep sprouting, entangling the past, turning into a forest
I try to grasp life and not dwell on escaping the emptiness
But my soul still lingers in the rain, becoming more translucent

I can't see the enigma of love more clearly
Your once gentle voice pierces my heart
The promises we made have lost their meaning
To still love you is my deepest secret

My yearning is an unending cold rainy season
Dark clouds keep piling up, the storm can't be halted
I try to embrace life and not dwell on escaping the emptiness
But my soul still lingers in the rain, becoming more translucent

The rain pours in my chest, the sea slowly rises
The cruel tide opens its mouth and swallows my body
Nostalgia sinks to the ocean floor, my pleas unanswered
This endless night can't wait for dawn
I can't abandon all the memories
Sweet yet suffocating
With a shattered heart, I can't breathe in the midst of the sea

My thousands of words for you transform into a single sigh
The rainy season erodes memories, drenching my eyes
I hope the message in the bottle is able to find you
I'm waiting at the bottom of the deep waters for the rain to cease
原始歌词 (Chinese)

雨季 (In the Rain)

窗外闪电划过天际 照亮了回忆
房间里如此安静 漫开了孤寂

你的离去是场不会停止 冰冷的雨季
思念不断发芽 缠住过去 化成了森林
努力紧握生活 不去想起 逃避那空虚
但是灵魂依然留在雨中 越来越透明

我越来越看不清 爱情这道难题
你曾温柔的嗓音 刺痛我的心
我们许诺的约定 失去了意义
仍然爱你 是我最深的秘密

我的思念是场不会停止 冰冷的雨季
乌云不断堆积 狂风暴雨没办法停息
努力把握生活 不去想起 逃避那空虚
但是灵魂依然留在雨中 越来越透明

胸中倾盆大雨 海水缓缓涨起
眷恋沈入海底 求救没有回音
破碎的心 海中的我 无法呼吸

对你的千言万语 化做一声叹息
雨季侵蚀回忆 湿透了眼睛
期待思念的瓶中信 能够找到你