방탄소년단 - Boy In Luv (Chinese Ver.) 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Boy In Luv (Chinese Version)

I can't let it go, who is awkward now
And I practice to think to oneself and I think about us
I can't let it go, who is afraid now
I erase the words that I want to tell you

You go out with who you in a dubious relationship
You go out with who is refuse someone
You go out with who you feel right
You go out with him
You go out with him

Oppa, be strong and change
Change, and don’t be afraid about dangerous
Dangerous, but still be brave and give the love letter
Letter, like a men and hold you hand

Could we be happy flirting and laughing, yes
Dancers, are we skipping talking and heart beating, yes
No more wordy, give up everything and go with me
The person who love you most, is me, is me

Sparks flying around, look, My face is cool than anyone
Oh Ba Pa Ma Fa Da Ta Na La Ha Ku Na Ma Ta Ta
Oh no nonsense no falsity continue challenge to all change
Oh come home with me look at me when talk to me, I hand you a flower

Right here right now I write a song for you
Wait for you after class wait for you saying love me
Want to share you happiness happiness
And you are my happiness happiness

I want to be your own oppa
Stick with you love you be your oppa
Say what you want
Say what you want
Kiss your cheek only answer your phone

I want to be your own oppa
Stick with you love you be your oppa
Say what you want
Say what you want
Proffer you roses my heart beat fast and nearly blow up

You go out with who you in a dubious relationship
You go out with who is refuse someone
You go out with who you feel right
You go out with him
You go out with him

Outside is a bad bad girl inside is a bad bad girl
Talk not much you appearance is cool bot you are the girl I love
If you like me say it loud please don't keep silent
You pretend don't know me, hide me and it makes me feel oh confuse

I want to hear your voice (hurry up hurry up hurry up)
I can't guess your expression (struggling struggling struggling)
True heart (I got 'em)
Patient (I got 'em)
You are the most most beautiful view next to me (most most beautiful view)

Ah~ love you I hear you heartbeat your voice (Hold up)
Transparent crystal jingle sounds nice (Hold up)
Telepathy 119 help me (Hold up)
I want to hold your hand
when we're watching tv
I want to hold your hand when we're shopping

Right here right now I write a song for you
Wait for you after class wait for you saying love me
Want to share you happiness happiness
And you are my happiness happiness

I want to be your own oppa
Stick with you love you be your oppa
Say what you want
Say what you want
Kiss your cheek only answer your phone

I want to be your own oppa
Stick with you love you be your oppa
Say what you want
Say what you want
Proffer you roses my heart beat fast and nearly blow up

You talk and call me oppa
Kiss your cheek smooth your hair I'm oppa

You actually have tender side hold me

I will not make you down

You talking and call me oppa
Just like girlfriend, you make tea for me

In the future we walk together, it's dream let's go
Undoubted answer Yai~Yai~Ya~

I want to be your own oppa
Stick with you love you be your oppa
Say what you want
Say what you want
Kiss your cheek only answer your phone

I want to be your own oppa
Stick with you love you be your oppa
Say what you want
Say what you want
Proffer you roses my heart beat fast and nearly blow up
原始歌词 (English, Chinese)

Boy In Luv (Chinese Ver.)

放不下 谁在尴尬
而我自问自答 练习牵挂
放不下 谁在害怕

有些暧昧 你答应约会
拒绝了谁 你答应约会
感觉对了 你答应约会
你答应约会 你答应约会

欧巴 强势 一点 去改变
改变 别怕 拒绝的 危险
危险 也要 勇敢 送信件
信件 像 男人般 握住 拳

难道 开开心心 打打闹闹 哈哈笑笑 要
Dancers 蹦蹦跳跳 说说聊聊 砰砰心跳 要
看我不再啰嗦 放下了 一切 跟我走
最 最爱你的人 是我 是我

擦出了火花 注意 我表情比谁都还要杀
oh ㄅ ㄆ ㄇ ㄈ ㄉ ㄊ ㄋ ㄌ Ha Ku Na Ma Ta Ta!
oh 不要废话 不要虚假 坚持挑战 所有变化
oh 跟我回家 看著我说话 送你 手中花

此时此刻 我为你写歌
等你下课 等你说爱我
想 与你分享 快乐 快乐
而 你是我的 快乐 快乐

想成为你 专属的欧巴
黏你爱你 成为你欧巴
Say what you want
Say what you want
亲吻 你脸颊 只接你 的 电话

想成为你 专属的欧巴
黏你爱你 成为你欧巴
Say what you want
Say what you want
献上 玫瑰花 心跳快 要 爆炸

有些暧昧 你答应约会
拒绝了谁 你答应约会
感觉对了 你答应约会
你答应约会 你答应约会

外表是 bad bad girl 内心是 bad bad girl
话 不多 你外型 冷漠 却是我爱(的) girl
喜欢我 大声说 请 不要 继续 保持 沉默
你 假装 不熟 刻意 在闪躲 让我 感到oh 困惑

我想要听到 你声 音 (快点 快点 快点)
却猜不透你 表 情 (挣扎 挣扎 挣扎)
真心 ( I got’em )
耐心 ( I got’em )
你是 我的 身边 最美 最美 的 风景 (最美 最美 风景 )

阿~~ 爱上你 我听到 你心跳 声音 Hold up )
透明 水晶 叮当 很 好 听 ( Hold up )
心电 感应 119 救救 命 ( Hold up )
我想 要牵你手 看电视时 牵手 逛街时候 牵手

此时此刻 我为你写歌
等你下课 等你说爱我
想 与你 分享 快乐 快乐
而 你是 我的 快乐 快乐

想成为你 专属的欧巴
黏你爱你 成为你欧巴
Say what you want
Say what you want
亲吻 你脸颊 只接你 的 电话

想成为你 专属的欧巴
黏你爱你 成为你欧巴
Say what you want
Say what you want
献上 玫瑰花 心跳快 要 爆炸

你说话 叫我欧巴
亲妳 脸颊 抚摸 你头发 我 欧巴

原来 你也 有温柔 的时候 抱著我

我 不会让你 受伤难过

你说话 叫我欧巴
就像 女朋友 般 为我 泡泡茶

未来 一起走 梦想 Let’s go
肯定 的回答 呀咿~呀咿~呀~

想成为你 专属的欧巴
黏你爱你 成为你欧巴
Say what you want
Say what you want
亲吻 你脸颊 只接你 的 电话

想成为你 专属的欧巴
黏你爱你 成为你欧巴
Say what you want
Say what you want
献上 玫瑰花 心跳快 要 爆炸