陈粒 - 易燃易爆炸 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Flammable and Explosive

Expect me to be crazy and then expect that I cannot live without you
Want me to be coldly elegant and then want me to be frivolous and low
Want me to be sunshine and then want me to be amorous and uninviting
Teasing me for being emotional and then teasing me for being cold-hearted
Give me a dream and wake me right away
Falling asleep with me and then regret wasting time without mercy
Love me pure and also love me naked but dispirited
Watch me entertain myself and then watch me heart break
Wish me slender and also wish me having curves
Think I'm nuts and also think I'm witty and modest
Want me to be gorgeous and also want me to be cold blooded
Wish me to be happy from now on and also wish me to never get over being discouraged
Be charming for me and also being inattentive because of me
Covet my true love and also covet the magnetism in my eyes
Elope with me and also promise to be loyal to me
Praise my shyness and also praise my hidden agenda
Give me a dream and wake me right away
Falling asleep with me and then regret wasting time without mercy
Love me pure and also love me naked but dispirited
Watch me entertain myself and then watch me heart break
Be charming for me and also being inattentive because of me
Covet my true love and also covet the magnetism in my eyes
Elope with me and also promise to be loyal to me
Praise my shyness and also praise my hidden agenda Ah~
Ask me to be adorable and also ask me to be sexually attractive
Being mature like me and also being unreasonable like me
Let me be beautiful and also let me be obsessed with you
Complaint that I never worry about anything and then complain that I have nothing but tears
原始歌词 (Chinese)


盼我疯魔 还盼我孑孓不独活
想我冷艳 还想我轻佻又下贱
要我阳光 还要我风情不摇晃
戏我哭笑无主 还戏我心如枯木
赐我梦境 还赐我很快就清醒
与我沉睡 还与我蹉跎无慈悲
爱我纯粹 还爱我赤裸不糜颓
看我自弹自唱 还看我痛心断肠
愿我如烟 还愿我曼丽又懒倦
看我痴狂 还看我风趣又端庄
要我美艳 还要我杀人不眨眼
祝我从此幸福 还祝我枯萎不渡
为我撩人 还为我双眸失神
图我情真 还图我眼波销魂
与我私奔 还与我做不二臣
夸我含苞待放 还夸我欲盖弥彰
赐我梦境 还赐我很快就清醒
与我沉睡 还与我蹉跎无慈悲
爱我纯粹 还爱我赤裸不糜颓
看我自弹自唱 还看我痛心断肠
为我撩人 还为我双眸失神
图我情真 还图我眼波销魂
与我私奔 还与我做不二臣
夸我含苞待放 还夸我欲盖弥彰
请我迷人 还请我艳情透渗
似我盛放 还似我缺氧乖张
由我美丽 还由我贪恋著迷
怨我百岁无忧 还怨我徒有泪流