Chinese Folk - 好吃不过矿泉水 歌词翻译

歌手:Chinese Folk
歌词翻译 (English)

The best tasting is mineral water

The best tasting is mineral water Ah yo-yo
The most interesting thing is the young woman's legs Ah yo-yo
There is a place in the middle of the thigh Ah yo-yo
Water comes out when you touch it lightly Ah yo-yo

The best tasting is mineral water Ah yo-yo
The best kiss is a girl's mouth Ah yo-yo
Can not kiss, I'll teach you Ah yo-yo
Not kissing the top of the mouth to kiss the bottom of the "mouth*" Ah yo-yo

Once upon a time kissing was mouth to mouth Ah yo-yo
Nowadays kissing is mouth to leg Ah yo-yo
My little babe can speak and talk Ah yo-yo
"Happiness" depends on two mouths Ah yo-yo

Once upon a time kissing was mouth to mouth Ah yo-yo
Nowadays kissing is breast to mouth Ah yo-yo
My love can eat and drink Ah yo-yo
Hold tightly and suck two mouths Ah yo-yo

How slim my little babe is growing Ah yo-yo
Round face how beautiful Ah yo-yo
There is a place that is most interesting Ah yo-yo
Fun places will grow fur Ah yo-yo

How slim I am growing Ah yo-yo
You still want to come to prostitute me Ah yo-yo
You're a bad thing Ah yo-yo
Fun that place still does not grow fur Ah yo-yo

Little sister looks a little horny Ah yo-yo
Where is the fun I know Ah yo-yo
Fun place I tell you Ah yo-yo
That place you wash and wash and still in the black Ah yo-yo

You are long and dark Ah yo-yo
This statement should not be Ah yo-yo
Take off your pants and let me see Ah yo-yo
Something small does not qualify Ah yo-yo

How young you look ah yo yo
I'm happy to sex with you ah yo yo
Teach you a new move ah yo yo
Moving your hips will pull your hamstrings ah yo yo

How young I look ah yo yo
This handsome man I am satisfied ah yo yo
I have to get you to cooperate ah yo yo
The best and the best ah yo yo

I see you smiling, little babe ah yoyo
Looking for you to have intercourse ah yoyo
Bringing you to orgasm ah yoyo
It's like a plane ride ah yoyo

My eyes see you smiling ah yoyo
What are you ah yoyo
I want to vomit when I see you ah yoyo
Will not be a couple with you ah yo yo

I like you ah yo yo
You love my little turtledove** ah yo yo
You come to hold and kiss ah yo yo
Pubic hair poking your tongue

I like you ah yo yo
I don't like your turtledove ah yo yo
You do not sing the other ah yo yo
You are not shy I am shy ah yo yo

Sorry to sorry ah yo yo
I sang a tune to offend you ah yo yo
Singing a Mountain Song for you, Ah Yoyo
Wish you grow more and more beautiful ah yo yo

You sing a song, I sing a song, ah yo yo
The mountain song is so dissolute ah yo yo
We are good friends ah yo yo
We have the fate to meet in a thousand miles ah yo yo
原始歌词 (Chinese)


好吃不过矿泉水 啊溜溜
好玩不过少妇腿 啊溜溜
大腿中间有个包 啊溜溜
轻轻摸着就出水 啊溜溜

好吃不过矿泉水 啊溜溜
好亲不过姑娘嘴 啊溜溜
不会亲嘴我教你 啊溜溜
上嘴不亲亲下嘴 啊溜溜

从前亲嘴嘴对嘴 啊溜溜
如今亲嘴嘴对腿 啊溜溜
小妹能讲又会说 啊溜溜
快乐全靠两张嘴 啊溜溜

从前亲嘴嘴对嘴 啊溜溜
如今亲嘴奶对嘴 啊溜溜
大哥能吃又能喝 啊溜溜
紧紧抱着吸两嘴 啊溜溜

小妹长的多苗条 啊溜溜
圆圆脸蛋多好瞧 啊溜溜
有处地方最好玩 啊溜溜
好玩那地会长毛 啊溜溜

小妹长的多苗条 啊溜溜
你还想来把我嫖 啊溜溜
大哥是个坏东西 啊溜溜
好玩那地还不毛 啊溜溜

小妹长的有点色 啊溜溜
哪点好玩我认得 啊溜溜
好玩哪点我告诉你 啊溜溜
你左洗右洗还在黑 啊溜溜

大哥长的黑又黑 啊溜溜
这种说法要不得 啊溜溜
脱开裤子我看看 啊溜溜
东西小了不合格 啊溜溜

小妹长的多年轻 啊溜溜
和你玩耍最称心 啊溜溜
教你一个新动作 啊溜溜
胯子搬了会扯筋 啊溜溜

小妹长的多年轻 啊溜溜
这个帅哥我称心 啊溜溜
得挨小哥搞合作 啊溜溜
称心头上加称心 啊溜溜

眼望小妹笑眯眯 啊溜溜
找你半崖玩东西 啊溜溜
把你整了掉下崖 啊溜溜
给你坐回土飞机 啊溜溜

眼望大哥笑眯眯 啊溜溜
你是哪点怪东西 啊溜溜
看见小哥就想吐 啊溜溜
不会跟你做夫妻 啊溜溜

喜欢小妹哥不丢 啊溜溜
小妹爱我小斑鸠 啊溜溜
你来抱着亲一亲 啊溜溜
毛毛戳你美舌头 啊溜溜

喜欢小哥妹不丢 啊溜溜
不爱你的小斑鸠 啊溜溜
叫你唱歌好好唱 啊溜溜
你不害羞我害羞 啊溜溜

对不起来对不起 啊溜溜
小哥唱调得罪你 啊溜溜
唱首山歌送给妹 啊溜溜
祝你越长越美丽 啊溜溜

你一首来我一首 啊溜溜
山歌唱得多风流 啊溜溜
有缘千里来相会 啊溜溜
我们都是好朋友 啊溜溜