郭静 - 不药而愈 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Cured Without Medicine

It's been winter and I'm still waiting for you, snow drifted in my eyes.
I tried to look for love, and (the right choice to) our relationship.
I put on your sweater, only to find my heart freezes more,
If I give up love first, will my pain be cured without medicine?

It seems that a broken heart can't be cured, I always believe I have the courage to love you.
If we have agreed to travel together, how come now only I'm left to enjoy the loneliness?

It seems that a broken heart can be cured slowly, I'll be fine and I'll keep comforting myself.
I'd rather believe that you just changed your decision in a minute,
and went to another beautiful city, waiting for my company.

I put on your sweater, only to find my heart freezes more,
If I give up love first, will my pain be cured without medicine?

It seems that a broken heart can't be cured, I always believe I have the courage to love you.
If we have agreed to travel together, how come now only I'm left to enjoy the loneliness?

It seems that a broken heart can be cured slowly, I'll be fine and I'll keep comforting myself.
I'd rather believe that you just changed your decision in a minute,
and went to another beautiful city, waiting for my company.

It seems that a broken heart can't be cured, I always believe I have the courage to love you.
If we have agreed to travel together, how come now only I'm left to enjoy the loneliness?

It seems that a broken heart can be cured slowly, I'll be fine and I'll keep comforting myself.
I'd rather believe that you just changed your decision in a minute,
and went to another beautiful city, waiting for my company.
原始歌词 (Chinese)


等你等到了冬季 雪飘进了我眼里
我试图去寻找爱情 和我们之间的关系
套上了你的毛衣 心更加冻结成冰
如果我先放弃爱情 我的痛会不会变得不药而愈

看伤心 不能痊愈 我始终相信 爱你的勇气
明明说好 是两个人一起去的旅行
怎么剩下我一个人 欣赏孤寂

看伤心 慢慢痊愈 我会好好的 安慰我自己
宁愿相信 你只是突然改变了决定
去了另一个 美丽城市 也等著我入境

套上了你的毛衣 心更加冻结成冰
如果我先放弃爱情 我的痛会不会变得不药而愈

看伤心 不能痊愈 我始终相信 爱你的勇气
明明说好 是两个人一起去的旅行
怎么剩下我一个人 欣赏孤寂

看伤心 慢慢痊愈 我会好好的 安慰我自己
宁愿相信 你只是突然改变了决定
去了另一个 美丽城市 也等著我入境

看伤心 不能痊愈 我始终相信 爱你的勇气
明明说好 是两个人一起去的旅行
怎么剩下我一个人 欣赏孤寂

看伤心 慢慢痊愈 我会好好的 安慰我自己
宁愿相信 你只是突然改变了决定
去了另一个 美丽城市 也等著我入境