郭静 - 麻雀 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)


I sit here on the roof choking
Making spring rain
Lost between leaves and the wind as
Yesterday plays

Sunshine lights up then leaves your face
As a lovely cloud floats our way
Like I first saw through your lies when
My love for you was most intense

Love doesn't bloom and its color fades [and]
We won't make it to see blossom season
Still don't understand
The sorry you said
Was it to me or for the sweet times we spent?

Sunny days
When I think of you turn midnight black
I'm a sparrow far from home who can't get back
Circling again
And again your face
Hoping before dark to
[Fly] free from heartache

My tears spill out and scatter you in the wind
If my wings shatter mid-flight
Let me fall to paradise
原始歌词 (Chinese)


我坐在屋顶上哽咽 湿了春天
缠绵在风和叶之间 演著昨天

阳光穿过了你的脸 在最美丽的云上面
像我识破你的谎言 当我爱你在最强烈

刹那间 爱情不攀也不再鲜艳 我们等不到花盛开的季节
我还不了解 你说的抱歉 是对不起我或甜蜜的从前

亮的天 在我想你转眼变黑夜 我是来不及回家的麻雀
绕一圈一圈 延著你的脸 希望天黑以前 飞出想念

眼泪要带著你彻底被风干 如果飞断了翅膀 让我掉落在天堂