歌词翻译 (English)
Moon lit night
Tonight the moon rises at home in linger
Maybe she watches the moon alone.
Too far from here, my poor daughter,
Is too little to grasp me in the city, alone.
It was the mist-scented and cloudy hairs were moist.
The jade-like-arms were chilled by the clear light.
When we can lean at the window sash, in abreast,
And without the tear drops, looking the moon light?
原始歌词 (Chinese, Chinese (Classical Chinese))
今夜鄜州月 闺中只独看
遥怜小儿女 未解忆长安
香雾云鬟湿 淸辉玉臂寒
何时倚虚幌 双照淚痕干