엑소 - 3.6.5 (Chinese Ver.) 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)


Fail three times,cry six times,succeed 5 times,you can see the end.
Behind you I’ll be with you as you Go,there’s no reason to keep your head lowered.

Scream in front of the mirror a few times,get ready to start.
The more impatient you are the more likely it is to forget,take in a breath and slowly begin to run.Just like the sun,rising from the east every day.

3-6-5 I knock your window,when every morning comes,
3-6-5 every minute, every second,don’t waste any time,let’s work hard together!
Oh oh oh oh oh oh 3-6-5 holding onto your hand
Oh oh oh oh oh oh 3-6-5 I won’t let it go
Let go of your reservations,laugh out 3 times, listen to 6 songs once
when you’re tired of listening, sleep 5 hours,there is nothing impossible.
I’m like a knight,I’ll guard your light.

3-6-5 I’m in front of you,you’re watching me,as I wave my sword.
3-6-5 from now until forever,every day I live only for you.
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh 3-6-5 Even if I’m hurt
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh 3-6-5 I’ll be by your side

Test our fate,the tears slowly fall
no matter how long, I’ll never change,and I always will appear in front of you.

3-6-5 I’ll be behind you,only dedicated to you every, every day
3-6-5 Whether sad or happy,whatever dream you have,I’ll keep the faith.
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh3-6-5 holding your hand
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh3-6-5 I won’t let go
3-6-5 I’ll be by your side
原始歌词 (Chinese)

3.6.5 (Chinese Ver.)

失败3次 哭泣6次 再胜5次 看到尽头
在你背后 我陪你Go也没有理由再 低著头

对著镜子 尖叫几次 握著坚持 准备开始
越是急躁 越会忘掉 那就喘口气 慢慢跑

就很像是太阳 每一天 东升一样

3-6-5 我敲你的窗 从每天的早上 再开始冲吧
3-6-5 每一分一秒 不想浪费时间 一起努力吧
Oh oh oh oh 3-6-5 握住你的手
Oh oh oh oh 3-6-5 我绝不放手

放开矜持 大笑3次 正要一次 听6首歌
听到累了 睡5小时 没什么了不起的事

我像一个骑士 会守护你的光芒

3-6-5 我在你面前 你正在看我 挥舞我的剑
3-6-5 我的每一天 只为你而存在 现在到永远
Oh oh oh oh 3-6-5 就算有伤痛
Oh oh oh oh 3-6-5 我在你身边

考验我们的命运线 泪缓缓流下来
不管多久 我永不会变 出现在你面前

3-6-5我在你后面 只为你而奉献 每天的每天
3-6-5 难过或喜悦 在你需要的梦 就坚持信念
Oh oh oh oh 3-6-5 握住你的手
Oh oh oh oh 3-6-5 我绝不放手
3-6-5 我在你身边