陈奕迅 - 淘汰 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)


I lied everything for you, you took it even without thinking
Then such a simple ‘I love you’ has been a liar to you
Then the storyline in your novel, I don’t want to play it again,
Because I prefer an happy ending.

I’ve tried to make it into perfection, and it works indeed
Everything refreshed, dreams evaporated, you and I all separated.
No need to harmonize the love lyrics, even I can win everyone in singing
It doesn’t mean that I can sing it perfectly

It’s that I lose it, it’s that you didn’t trust on it
There is no flaws in our memory, but you end it up by saying farewell
Then I have to admit it, that your worrying has gained your trust,
Finally I got your reasonable elimination.
原始歌词 (Chinese)


我说了所有的谎 你全都相信
简单的我爱你  你却老不信
你书里的剧情  我不想上演
因为我喜欢  喜剧收尾

我试过完美放弃 的确很踏实
醒来了梦散了  你我都走散了
情歌的词何必押韵 就算我是K歌之王
也不见得把  爱情唱得完美

只能说我输了  也许是你怕了
我们的回忆没有皱折 你却用离开烫下句点
只能说我认了  你的不安赢得你信任