Eminem - Killshot 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (Chinese)

你听着就是像个贱人 贱人
靠 你胡子太奇怪了
怪胡子 别朝麦吼了
为什么要对着麦大喊大叫呢 怪胡子?

等等 你刚刚diss了我?我一脸懵逼
上一句话还在骂我 下一句话开始夸我 我靠
这是给你女儿的签名 我签在棒球帽上了
Stan Stan 儿砸 听好了 你爹我可没疯
但是你怎么能给自己起个枪的名字 还梳着人模人样的丸子头呢
巨人已经苏醒 眼睛睁开 不可阻止
我只生产beef 添柴加火大吃大喝
你说早就瞄准了我 但是我只受了擦伤
你回复我 观众都说 Woo
在你死前 看看谁能灭了谁
哦 Kelly 噢 我都45了卖的还是比你多
你就是个小土堆 我就是要多管闲事帮你铲成大山
冷静点兄弟 别老想着拿枪戳我骨髓
还说你要滔滔不绝追着我跑 扫射子弹
装死吧 这是你唯一一次能稳住的机会了
你吃燕麦 用奶冲还是用水泡?
碗里装的是啥 牛奶?雀巢还是蒙牛?
因为我要提到这些东西 我得查点阅读资料… 我是说词典
嘿Slim 你上四张专辑都太差了
回到Recovery时期吧 老哥 那是3张专辑前啊
你还知道什么?说我之前先了解下事实吧 小怂逼
奢侈品 哦 你很穷哦?
我老了也还能写出整页歌词 上面是我十年的怒火
在你自己家乡 我粉丝都比你多 小屁孩
滚边玩去吧 我难道还真要跟你和Lil Tay过家家
拍了个MV 录下来给自己挖坟的过程?
在你自己守夜典上抓住你 我就是诅咒的公羊
Kelly 你的名字将会
与Ja Rule和Benzino一同出现 死吧 智障
思路清奇 你个撒旦教徒
游戏再次由我掌管 除了The L.O.X.之外一如既往
所以在我slay之前 mua 先亲亲Hailie
Jadakiss是The L.O.X.成员
有了钱 但总有些戏精用我名字标题党
我提到他的名字 他就开心的上天
现在我要反击开火 瞄准 傻b 接着开香槟啊
你的巅峰时刻 就在此刻
反正你也就这样了 多享受一会吧
要毁了你 总得毁点大的
给你个注射死亡 安详的睡去
但就算我只有一米二 你还是得仰望我 准确来说
如果能让你当一秒的我 你都得跪舔
机枪没了子弹 还剩什么?
他和mumble rapper没什么差别
就是他上了Kim 也得穿着我的裤子
毕竟只要我还是Shady 他永远得活在我阴影里
真是受够了 我为什么要欺负我的后代
托起枪管射击 有多远滚多远
蹦蹦跳跳像在跳舞 我们都看的出来
你超级不爽 因为看到机翼猴西又尽享欢愉
小红毛衣 黑皮夹克
你穿的好 我唱的好
你那个是死亡威胁 还是小情书?
我看了你一张照片 我不喜欢你 傻逼
我终于有理由写下Not Alike了
尝试失败 Budden?大失败啊
射杀 我不会失败 毕竟我还和Dre一起
这傻吊的老板嗑嗨了 居然说他有水平
但是Kelly 等你做出热单那天
Diddy都会承认自己谋杀2 Pac了
我真是受够了你菜的一批 还用那破Autotune 咱们说说这事
我真是受够了你模糊说唱 嘴里跟含个吊一样 咱们说说这事
我真是受够了你染个金发 戴个耳环 照照镜子 觉得你就是我
可没说你是 你根本不沾边
还是接着跪舔 离我女儿远点

你这个… 哦
我只是玩玩哦 Diddy 你知道我爱你的
原始歌词 (English)


You sound like a bitch, bitch
Shut the fuck up
When your fans become your haters
You done?
Fuckin' beard's weird
You yellin' at the mic, fuckin' weird beard (You want smoke)
We doin' this once
You yellin' at the mic, your beard's weird
Why you yell at the mic? (Illa)

Rihanna just hit me on a text
Last night I left hickeys on her neck
Wait, you just dissed me? I'm perplexed
Insult me in a line, compliment me on the next
Damn, I'm really sorry you want me to have a heart attack
Was watchin' 8 Mile on my NordicTrack
Realized I forgot to call you back
Here's that autograph for your daughter, I wrote it on a Starter cap
Stan, Stan, son
Listen, man, Dad isn't mad
But how you gonna name yourself after a damn gun
And have a man-bun?
The giant's woke, eyes open, undeniable
Supplyin' smoke, got the fire stoked
Say you got me in a scope, but you grazed me
I say one call to Interscope and you're Swayze
Your reply got the crowd yelling, "Woo!"
So before you die let's see who can out-petty who
With your corny lines ("Slim, you're old")—ow, Kelly, ooh
But I'm 45 and I'm still outselling you
By 29, I had three albums that had blew
Now let's talk about somethin' I don't really do
Go in someone's daughter's mouth stealin' food
But you're a fuckin' mole hill
Now I'ma make a mountain out of you, woo!
Ho, chill, actin' like you put the chrome barrel to my bone marrow
Gunner? Bitch, you ain't a bow and arrow
Say you'll run up on me like a phone bill, sprayin' lead (Brrt)
Playin' dead, that's the only time you hold still (Hold up)
Are you eating cereal or oatmeal?
What the fuck's in the bowl, milk? Wheaties or Cheerios?
'Cause I'm takin' a shit in 'em, Kelly, I need reading material
"Yo, Slim, your last four albums sucked
Go back to Recovery," oh shoot, that was three albums ago
What do you know? Oops
Know your facts before you come at me, lil' goof
Luxury, oh, you broke, bitch? Yeah, I had enough money in '02
To burn it in front of you, ho
Younger me? No, you the wack me, it's funny but so true
I'd rather be 80-year-old me than 20-year-old you
'Til I'm hitting old age
Still can fill a whole page with a 10-year-old's rage
Got more fans than you in your own city, lil' kiddy, go play
Feel like I'm babysitting Lil Tay
Got the Diddy okay so you spent your whole day
Shootin' a video just to fuckin' dig your own grave
Got you at your own wake, I'm the billy goat
You ain't never made a list next to no Biggie, no Jay
Next to Taylor Swift and that Iggy ho, you about to really blow
Kelly, they'll be putting your name
Next to Ja, next to Benzino—die, motherfucker!
Like the last motherfucker sayin' Hailie in vain
Alien brain, you Satanist (Yeah)
My biggest flops are your greatest hits
The game's mine again and ain't nothin' changed but the locks
So before I slay this bitch I, mwah, give Jade a kiss
Gotta wake up Labor Day to this (The fuck?)
Bein' rich-shamed by some prick usin' my name for clickbait
In a state of bliss 'cause I said his goddamn name
Now I gotta cock back, aim
Yeah, bitch, pop Champagne to this! (Pop)
It's your moment
This is it, as big as you're gonna get, so enjoy it
Had to give you a career to destroy it
Lethal injection
Go to sleep six feet deep, I'll give you a B for the effort
But if I was three-foot-eleven
You'd look up to me, and for the record
You would suck a dick to fuckin' be me for a second
Lick a ballsack to get on my channel
Give your life to be as solidified
This mothafuckin' shit is like Rambo when he's out of bullets
So what good is a fuckin' machine gun when it's out of ammo?
Had enough of this tatted-up mumble rapper
How the fuck can him and I battle?
He'll have to fuck Kim in my flannel
I'll give him my sandals
'Cause he knows, long as I'm Shady he's gon' have to live in my shadow
Exhausting, letting off on my offspring
Lick a gun barrel, bitch, get off me!
You dance around it like a sombrero, we can all see
You're fuckin' salty
'Cause Young Gerald's balls-deep inside of Halsey
Your red sweater, your black leather
You dress better, I rap better
That a death threat or a love letter?
Little white toothpick
Thinks it's over a pic, I just don't like you, prick
Thanks for dissing me
Now I had an excuse on the mic to write "Not Alike"
But really I don't care who's in the right
But you're losin' the fight you picked
Who else want it? Kells—attempt fails! Budden—L's!
Fuckin' nails in these coffins as soft as Cottonelle
Killshot, I will not fail, I'm with the Doc still
But this idiot's boss pops pills and tells him he's got skills
But, Kells, the day you put out a hit's the day Diddy admits
That he put the hit out that got Pac killed, ah!
I'm sick of you bein' wack
And still usin' that mothafuckin' Auto-Tune
So let's talk about it (Let's talk about it)
I'm sick of your mumble rap mouth
Need to get the cock up out it
Before we can even talk about it (Talk about it)
I'm sick of your blonde hair and earrings
Just 'cause you look in the mirror and think
That you're Marshall Mathers (Marshall Mathers)
Don't mean you are, and you're not about it
So just leave my dick in your mouth and keep my daughter out it

You fuckin'—oh
And I'm just playin', Diddy
You know I love you