山寨小萌主 - 雪花叹 (Snowflakes) 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

雪花叹 (Snowflakes)

Reflection of a bronze mirror in front of you, you sigh lightly
The inkstone trembles, my heart is confused
The double carp has not yet dried, the fragrance of the paint transmits feelings*
tears remind me of memories

The five petals of the plum blossoms are very light, whose promise
Red window and beaded curtain, an abandoned house sending wild geese
The answer is lit by many candles
Buried tear petals

Who is learning from my story scrolls?
The old snowflakes fill up again
I catch the past in front of me but it melts at my fingertips and I sigh
Once again goodbye with whip powder

I write ten thousand more scrolls, others pity
You seem to be to one side, the snowflakes are spreading again
I have worries, but when I touch the cold snowflake, I forget.
How can I burn my letter?

The five petals of the plum blossoms are very light, whose promise
Red window and beaded curtain, a helpless house sending wild geese
The answer is lit by many candles
Buried tear petals

Who is learning from my story scrolls?
The old snowflakes fill up again
I catch the past in front of me but it melts at my fingertips and I sigh
Once again goodbye with whip powder

I write ten thousand more scrolls, others pity
You seem to be to one side, the snowflakes are spreading again
I have worries, but when I touch the cold snowflake, I forget.
How can I burn my letter?

Who is learning from my story scrolls?
The old snowflakes fill up again
I catch the past in front of me but it melts at my fingertips and I sigh
Once again goodbye with whip powder

I write ten thousand more scrolls, others pity
You seem to be to one side, the snowflakes are spreading again
I have worries, but when I touch the cold snowflake, I forget.
How can I burn my letter?
How can I burn my letter?
原始歌词 (Chinese)

雪花叹 (Snowflakes)

屏风画影 案前铜镜你轻叹
砚纸微颤 我心凌乱寄书函
双鲤未干 墨香难将相思传

梅花五瓣 极淡像谁的诺言
红窗珠帘 一屋惆怅寄飞雁
烛照答案 谜底不说也可见

我翻史卷 谁在借鉴
古老的善变 雪花又弥漫
挥鞭再见 马蹄践沙

我作万卷 他人垂怜
你犹似旁观 雪花又弥散
我焚信笺 怎么尽燃

梅花五瓣 极淡像谁的诺言
红窗珠帘 一屋惆怅寄飞雁
烛照答案 谜底不说也可见

我翻史卷 谁在借鉴
古老的善变 雪花又弥漫
挥鞭再见 马蹄践沙

我作万卷 他人垂怜
你犹似旁观 雪花又弥散
我焚信笺 怎么尽燃

我翻史卷 谁在借鉴
古老的善变 雪花又弥漫
挥鞭再见 马蹄践沙

我作万卷 他人垂怜
你犹似旁观 雪花又弥散
我焚信笺 怎么尽燃
我焚信笺 怎么尽燃