命中注定我爱你 - 对折 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Fold In Two

I fold love into a train,the train opened but I didn't board on it
I fold my smile into a carrier pigeon,I sent it to you although it was a difficult and long trek
I fold my memories into a music box, to hear its sweet song when it's quiet
I fold my understanding into a windmill to scatter the fog and it became clear

I fold and fold again,and fold and again fold,shrinking this unhappiness to happiness
I fold and fold again,I fold the time,the next happiness will come in the blink of an eye

I fold my tears into paper cranes,wishing you the ultimate blessing
I fold you into a lily, blooming into my hear forever and fadelessly

I fold and fold again,and fold and again fold,shrinking this unhappiness to happiness
I fold and fold again,I fold the time,the next happiness will come in the blink of an eye

I fold and fold again,and fold and again fold,covering up the wrong one makes you see the correct one
I fold and fold again,folding nervously,two heart tightly connected

Two hearts stuck together, what are you afraid of?
原始歌词 (Chinese)


我把爱情 折成一列火车 火车开了 我没上车
我把笑容 折成一只信鸽 送你一程 尽管长途跋涉
我把回忆 折成了音乐盒 寂寞时 听甜蜜唱歌
我把体谅 折成一座风车 吹啊吹雾散了 就放晴了

我折 再折 对折再对折 把不快乐浓缩成快乐
我折 再折 把时间对折 下个幸福 眨眼就来了

我把眼泪 折成一群纸鹤 祝福你最后的选择
我把你呀 折成一朵百合 在我心底盛开永远不褪色

我折 再折 对折再对折 把不快乐浓缩成快乐
我折 再折 把时间对折 下个幸福 眨眼就来了

我折 再折 对折再对折 遮住错的就看见对的
我折 再折 忐忑上下对折 有两颗心紧紧相连著

两颗心黏著 怕什么呢