邱锋泽 - 冰山 [Iceberg] 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)


Why are you so suppressed, hiding your sadness beneath the surface like an iceberg?
You try to live up to expectations, but lose yourself
In the deep sea of disappointment
But when your dreams are destroyed, you are left to compromise

Why are you being submissive and lying to yourself?
Afraid of exposing your true feelings
Succumbing to emotional blackmails
But you end up all alone

I know you get sad, you feel weak and your heart fades away
Sometimes it gets hard when you can’t find someone to speak to
But nevertheless I am here to catch you and stop you from sinking
Overwhelming you with kindness that you cannot imagine

I know you get sad, you feel weak and your heart fades away
Sometimes you make mistakes that makes you want to escape rather than face them
But it is ok, for I am here to fix them and endure them with you

Don't be afraid of getting hurt or losing hope, for we are all the same
Don't be afraid of feeling lost or dejected, for we are all the same
Don't be afraid of getting hurt or losing hope, for we are all the same
Don't be afraid, because I am here for you

Why do we choose to cower and reject love like a cold iceberg?
You blend in with the world but yet you struggle to find yourself
Within that deafening silence under the sea
Your personality gets split and broken

Why do you struggle to live, always hiding this behind a façade?
You act so nonchalant but yet care so much
Afraid to put in your emotions
Even when you are lonely and bitter

I know you get sad, you feel weak and your heart fades away
Sometimes it gets hard when you can’t find someone to speak to
But nevertheless I am here to catch you and stop you from sinking
Overwhelming you with kindness that you cannot imagine

I know you get sad, you feel weak and your heart fades away
Sometimes you make mistakes that makes you want to escape rather than face them
But it is ok, for I am here to fix them and endure them with you

Don't be afraid of getting hurt or losing hope, for we are all the same
Don't be afraid of feeling lost or dejected, for we are all the same
Don't be afraid of getting hurt or losing hope, for we are all the same
Don't be afraid, because I am here for you

Don't be afraid of getting hurt or losing hope, for we are all the same
Don't be afraid of feeling lost or dejected, for we are all the same
Don't be afraid of getting hurt or losing hope, for we are all the same
Don't be afraid, because I am here for you
原始歌词 (Chinese)

冰山 [Iceberg]

为什么压抑的过 像座冰山掩饰悲哀
为期望而活 却丢了自我
海面下 巨大的失落
当梦破灭 只能妥协

为什么唯唯诺诺 心口不一的编著对白
害怕被揭露 真实的感受
讨好谁 情绪的勒索

我懂你也会难过 会软弱 心慢慢斑驳
有时很折磨 心里话 找不到人说
没关系还有我 拉著你不沉没

我懂你也会难过 会软弱 心慢慢斑驳
有时会犯错 要面对 还不如闪躲
没关系还有我 修复所有残破 陪你一起承受

别怕 会受伤 会失望 我们都一样
别怕 会彷徨 会沮丧 我们都一样
别怕 会受伤 会失望 我们都一样
别怕 你还有 我

为什么选择退缩 像座冰山把爱推开
融入了世界 却拉扯自我
海面下 汹涌的沉默
热情冷血 人格分裂

为什么纠结的活 戴上了面具隐藏起来
在乎的愈多 愈装做冷漠
感情呢 可别放太多

我懂你也会难过 会软弱 心慢慢斑驳
有时很折磨 心里话 找不到人说
没关系还有我 拉著你不沉没

我懂你也会难过 会软弱 心慢慢斑驳
有时会犯错 要面对 还不如闪躲
没关系还有我 修复所有残破 陪你一起承受

别怕 会受伤 会失望 我们都一样
别怕 会彷徨 会沮丧 我们都一样
别怕 会受伤 会失望 我们都一样
别怕 你还有 我

别怕 会受伤 会失望 我们都一样
别怕 会彷徨 会沮丧 我们都一样
别怕 会受伤 会失望 我们都一样
别怕 你还有 我