邱锋泽 - 微笑分手 (Move On) 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Breakup With A Smile / Move On

Fearful of a dream stuck in an abyss
When one no longer tells tragedy or comedy apart
Never ask a heart that has been changed, for you already know the answer

Am I the fool running from the truth, leaving words unsaid on the phone?
Or maybe I am the fool, devoid of the courage to blame you
They say the best kept memories are the bad ones forgotten, so I did that with you

Moving on is my last grace
I gave up my last struggle on a futile love
So that the story always stays where the flowers blossom
For a heart that doesn’t belong can only be set free

It is my fault that I am not good enough to make you stay at the crossroad
It is time to let go when I am devoid of the courage to hate you
They say the best kept memories are the bad ones forgotten, so I did that with you

Moving on is my last grace
I gave up my last struggle on a futile love
So that the story always stays where the flowers blossom
For a heart that doesn’t belong can only be set free

Hence for the last time, I shall hide my heartbreak, bid you farewell with a smile
And watch you from here, as you set your wings and finally fly away from me

Moving on is my last grace
I gave up my last struggle on a futile love
So that the story always stays where the flowers blossom
For a heart that doesn’t belong can only be set free
原始歌词 (Chinese)

微笑分手 (Move On)

一场醒不来的梦 觉得可怕
悲剧或喜剧 分不清真假
心变了 别追问吧 原来感情早有落差

沉默的挂掉电话 不要说破 这样是不是很傻
我宁愿 装聋作哑 就连怪你 我也没办法
选择性失忆 我只想把所有美好收进回忆

抓不住的心 再不舍 最后也只能放下

路已经走到交叉 是我的错 不够好让你留下
这余生 释怀了吧 就连恨你 我也没办法
选择性失忆 我只想把所有美好收进回忆

抓不住的心 再不舍 最后也只能放下

藏起狼狈 最后一次 用微笑道别
远远看你 自由去飞

抓不住的心 再不舍 最后也只能放下