梁静茹 - 听不到 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Can't Hear

Night, in the lonely night
Angry, I’m angry with myself
I couldn’t help calling you again
Want to hear the air on your side
Whether there are any exciting topics
You are still gentle, somehow keeping a distance

My voice is laughing, but tears are rolling, on the other side of the phone do you know?
If the world is so big, why should I forget you and have nowhere to escape?
My voice is laughing, but tears are rolling, on the other side of the phone do you know?
If the world is so small, why can’t you hear my sincere heart?

Good, I’m good at disguising myself
You shouldn’t need to carry my secret
I’ll take all the weight, and leave the smiles for you
Running crazily, this empty affection
Rampaging, this rampaging heartache
Sighing deeply, it’s still my secret in the end

My voice is laughing, but tears are rolling, on the other side of the phone do you know?
If the world is so big, why should I forget you and have nowhere to escape?
My voice is laughing, but tears are rolling, on the other side of the phone do you know?
If the world is so small, why can’t you hear my sincere heart?

You can’t hear, you can’t hear my persistence
Throbbing and pounding away
Until the day you can understand
I can do it, I can do it

My voice is laughing, but tears are rolling, on the other side of the phone do you know?
If the world is so big, why should I forget you and have nowhere to escape?
My voice is laughing, but tears are rolling, on the other side of the phone do you know?
If the world is so small, why can’t you hear my sincere heart?
原始歌词 (Chinese)


夜 黑夜 寂寞的夜里
气 生气 对自己生气
软弱的电话 又打 给你
想 听你 那边的空气
有 什么 精采的话题
你还是温柔 给我 婉转 的距离

我的声音在笑 泪在飙 电话那头的你可知道
世界若是那么大 为何我要忘你 无处逃
我的声音在笑 泪在飙 电话那头的你可知道
世界若是那么小 为何我的真心 你听不到

会 很会 伪装我自己
你 不该 背我的秘密
沈重都给我 微笑 给你
奔 狂奔 空旷的感情
走 暴走 暴走的伤心
透明的叹息 最后 还是 我的秘密

我的声音在笑 泪在飙 电话那头的你可知道
世界若是那么大 为何我要忘你 无处逃
我的声音在笑 泪在飙 电话那头的你可知道
世界若是那么小 为何我的真心 你听不到

扑通扑通 一直在跳
我做得到 我做得到

我的声音在笑 泪在飙 电话那头的你可知道
世界若是那么大 为何我要忘你 无处逃
我的声音在笑 泪在飙 电话那头的你可知道
世界若是那么小 为何我的真心 你听不到