邓紫棋 - 摩天动物园 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

City Zoo

It is said that in Eden original love had no lies
Every day passed simply and people were sincere
Hearts followed unique rhythms
Orange lips hung smiling on faces
Until the serpent coiled around and made you bite the apple
Until the crane removed our unicorns

Poor Adam ever since he fell into the spider web
To fight for bread first you have to learn to eat the soil
The simple elephant evolved into a deer
Head up looking everywhere but head down forgetting the homeland

Everyone wants to reach the peak and plant their own flag
The pure white dove, why does it seem like it's become history
Work hard to drive a BMW and buy a house
But only to turn a frog into a prince

Cinderellas can't get any respect
Society doesn't care about tiny insects
Thus a flock of sheep's humble desire
Is to work hard to squeeze into a desolate vulgar heaven

The rabbits that were beaten by tortoises, their eyes are deep red
They will only envy other people's successes everyday
Thus they learn to be like cockroaches, crawling up walls everywhere, unafraid of dark and unafraid of filth
Licking shit to move towards a glorious prison

Living in the city zoo, civilization and beasts contend with each other
I saw black and white faces, their expressions change in an instant
People's hearts are too unpredictable, tangled between love and hate
The angel and devil are both by your side, drawing an endless circle

Living in the city zoo, I can only pray to God
Grant me a pair of clear eyes to see through beautiful lies
When you stand at the edge of desire suddenly it's hard to distinguish good and evil
The angel and devil are both by your side, now who will you kneel before

You and I at birth were once blank paper
But too many crooked characters were written
The most helpless thing about growing up is that being steady is for fools
If you don't want to be torn up and eaten you must sharpen your teeth

Don't let others slaughter you, at critical moments they just sell you out
No matter how helpless it's just an unavoidable side effect of success
When a nose falls in love with smog at the beginning it can't sense it
This corruption like dominoes slowly covers and poisons you

An innocent herd of pigs
Becomes tainted by fame and fortune
Making some strips of fabric into clothes, we become slaves to trends
Sell our soul to get wealthy

Each one gets famous quickly but starve to their bones
The monster in the mirror is exposed when no one is around
At the beginning they all long for Hollywood
In the end they all run away crying

Cinderellas can't get any respect
Society doesn't care about tiny insects
Thus a flock of sheep's humble desire
Is to work hard to squeeze into a desolate vulgar heaven

The rabbits that were beaten by tortoises, their eyes are deep red
They will only envy other people's successes everyday
Thus they learn to be like cockroaches, crawling up walls everywhere, unafraid of dark and unafraid of filth
Licking shit to move towards a glorious prison

Living in the city zoo, civilization and beasts contend with each other
I saw black and white faces, their expressions change in an instant
People's hearts are too unpredictable, tangled between love and hate
The angel and devil are both by your side, drawing an endless circle

Living in the city zoo, I can only pray to God
Grant me a pair of clear eyes to see through beautiful lies
When you stand at the edge of desire suddenly it's hard to distinguish good and evil
The angel and devil are both by your side, now who will you kneel before

Who is lost in the concrete forest
Who keeps treading the lowest limits of humanity
Who keeps indulging the diseased
Who will remember who they really are before it's too late
原始歌词 (Chinese)


传说在伊甸 原始的爱没有欺骗
简朴过每一天 人们彼此真心一片
直到蛇在身边绕 苹果让你咬
直到起重机拔掉 我们的独角

可怜的亚当 从此掉进蜘蛛网
为面包打仗 先要学会吃土壤
朴实的大象 进化变成四不像
举头望著八方 低头忘了思故乡

人人都各自 想登峰插上 自己的旗帜
纯白的鸽子 为什么牠像 变成了历史

于是一群羔羊 卑微的愿望
是努力挤进荒凉 庸俗的天堂

于是学著蟑螂 到处爬著墙 不怕黑也不怕脏
大便也舔上 为了要前往 光鲜的监房

活在摩天动物园 文明和野兽周旋
我看著黑白的脸 一张张变色就在一念间
人的心太莫测幻变 纠缠在爱与恨之间
天使与魔鬼都在身边 画著没终点的圆圈

活在摩天动物园 我只能祈求上天
赐我清澈一双眼 一点点识破美丽的谎言
当你站在欲望边缘 突然间善恶难分辨
天使与魔鬼都在身边 这时候你跪在谁跟前

成长最无奈的是 踏实 怕是 傻子
你若不想被掰著吃 必须磨利牙齿

别任人屠宰 必要关头只能把人出卖
再无奈 也只是成功无法避开的附带
当鼻子爱上了雾霾 一开始察觉不出来
这一种腐败 它像骨牌 慢慢地覆盖 把你毒害

衣服都故意少块布 沦为了潮牌奴

一个个红得快速 却饿得变了排骨
镜子里面的怪物 周围无人牠就败露

于是一群羔羊 卑微的愿望
是努力挤进荒凉 庸俗的天堂

于是学著蟑螂 到处爬著墙 不怕黑也不怕脏
大便也舔上 为了要前往 光鲜的监房

活在摩天动物园 文明和野兽周旋
我看著黑白的脸 一张张变色就在一念间
人的心太莫测幻变 纠缠在爱与恨之间
天使与魔鬼都在身边 画著没终点的圆圈

活在摩天动物园 我只能祈求上天
赐我清澈一双眼 一点点识破美丽的谎言
当你站在欲望边缘 突然间善恶难分辨
天使与魔鬼都在身边 这时候你跪在谁跟前

谁迷失在 水泥的 森林里面
谁一直踩 最低的 人性底线
谁一直还 随意地 任凭病变
谁其实在 回忆著 认命以前