天官赐福 - 红绝 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Peerless Red

Faint fog drifts, above the clouds there are the palaces of immortals,
The red curtain conceals, in the dark the lured butterflies rise,
Cunningness hiding enchanting dreams,
Leaning toward taboo, covered in burning red cloth,

The demeanor of an immortal, is inherently hollow,
Red string
fond (and) affectionate, compared with receiving kindness,
In the depths of gloom, the bright moon is dimmed,
Gentleness sent with a wishing lantern,

There is a lot under the heavens, for you flowers fill a city,
Formal name discarded empty, grasping flower grasping sword saving commoners,
Allow me to take your place, through various honings to receive a sharper edge,
Without questioning fortune (or) disaster, the one loyal follower (I) have,

Hundreds of affairs flow past, hopes like ever shining lanterns,
Without things (I am) unable to do, invincible reflection of the past,
Restraining to a stop the ups and downs, daring to hold on even after throwing (myself) into a shower of flames,
Jealous (and) yearning to be common people, only wishing the reminder of (my) life, to be gifted

The demeanor of an immortal, is inherently hollow,
Red string
fond (and) affectionate, compared with receiving kindness,
In the depths of gloom, the bright moon is dimmed,
Gentleness sent with a wishing lantern,

Body moving as if instantly by thought,
In the middle of a sea of retribution, fearlessly frolicking ignorantly
Irregularly meeting and separating, life and death can hardly put out dense ties of friendship,
Entering gaps between sword shadows (and) sword glare, affection breaks through the void of creation,

Heart holding a thousand misfortunes, while trapped in a mirror,
In the midst of illusion, calmly waiting to meet again after a short while,
The peach water gradually warms, but not as warm as the cloth redder than maple
When this started I believed, this fate would not end

There is a lot under the heavens, for you flowers fill a city,
Formal name discarded empty, for a glance into (my) heart,
Allow me to take your place, once karmic fire exhausted become reborn again,
Without questioning fortune (or) disaster, the one loyal follower (I) have,

Hundreds of lives flow past, hopes like ever shining lanterns,
Without things (I am) unable to do, sympathizing with human sorrows, joys, sentiments, (and) hate,
Restraining to a stop the ups and downs, in the cycle of reincarnation we'll eventually reunite,
Jealous (and) yearning to be common people, only wishing the reminder of (my) life, to be gifted
原始歌词 (Chinese)


雾缥缈 云上有仙宫
红帘掩 暗中引蝶涌
偏为禁忌 灼一身红

仙风道骨 原为虚空
红线遣绻 如沐春风
幽暗深处 皎月朦胧

天下之大 为你花满城
官名抛空 执花仗剑救苍生
赐我替你 万般磨砺更迎刃
福祸不问 忠实信徒有一人

百事流转 愿如长明灯
无所不能 所向披靡照前尘
禁住浮沉 浴火投身也敢撑
忌慕世人 惟愿余生 相赠

仙风道骨 原为虚空
红线遣绻 如沐春风
幽暗深处 皎月朦胧

身若能被 一刹念所动
在孽海中 无畏嬉戏亦懵懂
无常聚散 生死难灭情义浓
间入剑影刀光 芳心破鸿蒙

心有千劫 亦困于镜中
在幻觉中 静待朝夕后相认
桃水渐暖 暖不及红衣胜枫
源起便信 缘不会终

天下之大 为你花满城
官名抛空 为心中一瞥惊鸿
赐我替你 业火尝尽再重生
福祸不问 忠实信徒有一人

百世流转 愿如长明灯
无所不能 悯人间悲欢情恨
禁住浮沉 轮回里终会重逢
忌羡世人 惟愿余生 相赠