胡夏 - 让我爱你 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Let Me Love You

When you frowned and asked me what to do
Your accommodation towards him only made him repeat the same mistakes
You tried to find excuses and said you should be gentler
My heart hurts

I thought I can be you good friend
As long as I'm beside you, protecting you, this is enough
I realized I was wrong, watching you struggle for him
and cry unhappily, I can't bear it

Can you let me love you?
Can you stop being wronged?
You deserve to be loved and cherished by others
Only I know you best, don't indulge anymore
His provocations make me breathless
I love you, I'm waiting for you, don't hesitate
I'm right here

I thought I can be you good friend
As long as I'm beside you, protecting you, this is enough
I realized I was wrong, watching you struggle for him
and cry unhappily, I can't bear it

Can you let me love you?
Can you stop being wronged?
You deserve to be loved and cherished by others
Only I know you best, don't indulge anymore
His provocations make me breathless
I love you, I'm waiting for you, don't hesitate
I'm right here

Can you let me love you?
Can you stop being wronged?
You deserve to be loved and cherished by others
Only I know you best, don't indulge anymore
His provocations make me breathless
I love you, I'm waiting for you, don't hesitate
Just let me love you
原始歌词 (Chinese)


当你皱著眉头 问我该怎么做
你对他的迁就 只让他一错在错
你努力找借口 还说你是不是应该更温柔

我以为我可以 当你的好朋友
只要在你身边 守护你这样就够了
我发现我错了 看你为他挣扎
流泪不快乐 我却舍不得

你值得被爱 被人好好珍惜
只有我最懂你 别再沉溺
他的刺激 让自己喘不过气
我爱你 我等你 不要迟疑

我以为我可以 当你的好朋友
只要在你身边 守护你这样就够了
我发现我错了 看你为他挣扎
流泪不快乐 我真舍不得

你值得被爱 被人好好珍惜
只有我最懂你 别再沉溺
他的刺激 让自己喘不过气
我爱你 我等你 不要迟疑

你值得被爱 被人好好珍惜
只有我最懂你 别再沉溺
他的刺激 让自己喘不过气
我爱你 我等你 不要迟疑