黄龄 - 骑士 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)


The clock at the square, tick-tock hitting four o’clock
Following the penguins, strolling along the trail
At the subway exit, someone’s playing the guitar
Singing and singing, his tears going to shed
At the alley entrance, uncle’s selling popcorn
A group of kiddos, babbling going back home
The boy’s waiting for the girl, holding flowers in hand
Waiting and waiting, ice cream going to melt
Look at the little knight, he is so so hungry
But our Ms. Princess, is busy washing her hair
I remember sometimes, you kept waiting for me
At my alley entrance, you look so so silly

Humming a whistle, watching the ants crawling
The puppy next door, wolf-wolf barking
In the busy alley, there’s a great juggler
Nobody pays attention, he’ll have to wait
Look at the little knight, he is so so hungry
But our Ms. Princess, is busy washing her hair
I remember sometimes, you kept waiting for me
At my alley entrance, you look so so silly
Maybe every knight, has to learn of waiting
Going through some pains, before reaching the sweetness
In our sweetest moments, holding hands with each other
Take you home for dinner, grandma shows off her skills

When that day comes, I become the grandma
You’ll need to remember, always to be romantic
Be like that boy, so small but inventive
When you were that young, you weren’t that stylish
Look at the little knight, taking out some pineapple
One bite after another, before licking his fingers
It’s a rule of thumb, lost chances never return
Hurry up and fall in love, hurry up and break up
Maybe every knight, has to learn of waiting
Going through some pains, before reaching the sweetness
In our sweetest moments, holding hands with each other
Take you home for dinner, grandma shows off her skills
You are my silly wood, I am your lovely bean
I’ve grown up shily, you remain your reservation
After so many years, holding hands with each other
Still in our alley, we walk gently together
原始歌词 (Chinese)


广场的大钟 铛铛敲了四下
我跟着鸽子 在小路上溜达
地铁的出口 有个人弹吉他
他唱着唱着 眼泪要洒下
弄堂的门口 大叔卖爆米花
有队小朋友 咿咿呀呀回家
男生等女生 手捧着一束花
他等呀等呀 冰淇淋融化
眼看小小骑士 他快要饿昏头
可公主大人她 还慢悠悠洗头
想起有的时候 你也等我很久
在我家巷子口 呆得像个木头

哼一段口哨 看蚂蚁慢慢爬
隔壁的小狗 汪汪地在大叫
热闹的弄堂 有高人玩杂耍
没有人理他 他还得等呐
眼看小小骑士 他快要饿昏头
可公主大人她 还慢慢悠洗头
想起有的时候 你也等我很久
在我家巷子口 呆得像个木头
也许每个骑士 都要学会等候
好好吃点苦头 才能尝到甜头
最最甜蜜时候 左手拉你右手
带你回家吃饭 外婆大显身手

等到有一天 我变成老妈妈
你也要记得 经常浪漫一下
像那个男生 多么人小鬼大
在那个年纪 你没他潇洒
眼看小小骑士 拿出凤梨罐头
一口接着一口 吃完舔舔指头
想必电影看过 明白过期不候
抓紧时间恋爱 抓紧时间分手
也许每个骑士 都要学会等候
好好吃点苦头 才能尝到甜头
最最甜蜜时候 左手拉你右手
带你回家吃饭 外婆大显身手
你是我的木头 我是你的红豆
我害羞地熟透 你木纳到腐朽
这么多年以后 左手拉你右手
还是在巷子口 温柔地慢慢走