林俊杰 - 豆浆油条 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Soy Milk and Dough Sticks

Drinking pure white soy milk, it's pure white romance
Looking at your cute face, and your innocent appearance

My laughing foolishly at you is the antidote to your troubles
You say I'm just like dough sticks, very simple but very nice

I know you and I are just like soy milk and dough sticks
You need to eat them together for the flavor to be best
You need my foolish laughter, I need your embrace
Love needs to be like this, to not lose its flavor

I know it sometimes needs to be clamorous
But all along, I've known you're one who'll treat me best
Soy milk can't leave dough sticks, let me love you until we're old
Love needs to be like this, to be happy and good

I know, know it all, you know, you know it all
Is it good? Don't secretly laugh, let me know

I've finished drinking hot soy milk, but I still long for more
You've finished eating golden dough sticks, love will ferment again

I know you and I are just like soy milk and dough sticks
You need to eat them together for the flavor to be best
You need my foolish laughter, I need your embrace
Love needs to be like this, to not lose its flavor

I know it sometimes needs to be clamorous
But all along, I've known you're one who'll treat me best
Soy milk can't leave dough sticks, let me love you until we're old
Love needs to be like this, to be happy and good

I know, know it all, you know, you know it all
Is it good? Don't secretly laugh, let me know
I know, know it all, you know, you know it all
Is it good? Don't secretly laugh, letting me know is good
原始歌词 (Chinese)


喝纯白的豆浆 是纯白的浪漫
望著你可爱脸蛋 和你纯真的模样

我傻傻对你笑 是你忧愁解药
你说我就像油条 很简单却很美好

我知道 你和我 就像是豆浆油条
要一起 吃下去 味道才会是最好
你需要我的傻笑 我需要你的拥抱
爱情就是要这样 它才不会淡掉

我知道 有时候 也需要吵吵闹闹
但始终 也知道 只有你对我最好
豆浆离不开油条 让我爱你爱到老
爱情就是要这样 它才幸福美好

我知道 都知道 你知道 你都知道
好不好 别偷笑 笑 让我知道

我喝完热豆浆 却念著还想要
你吃完金黄油条 爱情又要再发酵

我知道 你和我 就像是豆浆油条
要一起 吃下去 味道才会是最好
你需要我的傻笑 我需要你的拥抱
爱情就是要这样 它才不会淡掉

我知道 有时候 也需要吵吵闹闹
但始终 也知道 只有你对我最好
豆浆离不开油条 让我爱你爱到老
爱情就是要这样 它才幸福美好

我知道 都知道 你知道 你都知道
好不好 别偷笑 笑 让我知道
我知道 都知道 你知道 你都知道
好不好 别偷笑 笑 让我知道就好