林俊杰 - 交换余生 (No Turning Back) 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

No Turning Back

The lone cat listening to the rain
Saw me in the cracks of time
The other me beyond the storm

Shifting into the parallel universe after the dark clouds still
Those me, travelers me and you
Memories shuffle and fall randomly

Exchanging our remaining lives, its me, or not, bitterness and happiness
After the dark clouds pass, there ought to be clear skies for us to move on
If the end doesn’t change after all these twists and turns
It will be worthy of us splitting and reuniting

The anchor in our hearts
Makes time pause in slow motion
You say fate is cruel, but you’re lucky to have me

If there is no future, if this parallelism loses control
Those me in different lives
Would have cried in which manner?

Exchanging our remaining lives, its me, or not, bitterness and happiness
After the dark clouds pass, there ought to be clear skies to move us on in life
If the ending remains immovable after all these twists and turns
It will be worthy of us splitting and reuniting

Cloud awaits the wind, man awaits dreams, as love rolls over time what do we ultimately wait for?
No longer remember, no longer recognize, who is the one blushing with teary eyes

Waiting for you to say, waiting for me to say, waiting for an entire universe
Sunrise for moonset, true love for loneliness

No turning back, even if we have lost track of which dream we are in
Or which point of time and space
But our hands and memories are tightly clasped together
Unafraid of the wormhole ahead
Love is the antique of time
原始歌词 (Chinese)

交换余生 (No Turning Back)


乌云静止以后 跳进平行时空
那些我 旅行中的你我
回忆胡乱穿梭 坠落

交换余生 是我 非我 苦与乐
如果我们几经转折 结局一样不动


如果没有以后 如果平行失控
那些我 不同人生的我
会以什么方式 哭过

交换余生 是我 非我 苦与乐
如果我们几经转折 结局一样不动

云等风 人等梦 爱辗过时光等什么
记不住 认不出 泪眼中谁一样脸红

等你说 等我说 一等就是一个宇宙
日升换月落 真爱换寂寞

交换余生 也许 忘了 第几梦
因为我们手心紧握 记忆也能紧扣