成龙 - 潮起潮落陪你度过 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Keep Your Company Through Every Moment (The tide flows and ebbs with you every moment)

I know you've been in a moment of disappointment, been through many twists and turns
Want to know where the true happiness is
The road of life is really rough, full of pains and falls
Without payment, how can I expect to get?
Although the past is too hard to look back, there's something we should remember
Life is like the flow and the ebb, who has not tasted the bitter fruit of failure?
Even if we make mistakes, we need to be brave and start again
I know the road of life is like the flow and the ebb, in the midst of the hard time just believe in oneself
I wish I keep my sincere feelings with you through every moment
原始歌词 (Chinese)


我知你正在失意时刻 历尽沧桑和许多波折
人生路它本来坎坷 它充满了痛苦和挫折
往事虽已不堪回首 有些事情我们应该记得
人生其实就像潮起潮落 谁没有尝过失败的苦果
就算犯错 我们也要勇敢重新来过
我知道人生就像潮起潮落 在艰(痛)苦之中肯定自我