萧敬腾 - 彼得潘 (Peter Pan) 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Peter Pan

Your tongue, your fists, your demon
You use them to take and slaughter your preys
Your poison, your hatred, your anger
You use them to torture your prisoners with pride

What should I do to stay out of this mess?

I pray that I grow up brave
I no longer build walls in the world I know not
Lost in the darkness, I follow the light
And hide no more

Being silent doesn't mean I've come to terms with it
I need to save the child in me
Peter Pan, Peter Pan

I'll offer your tongue, your fists, your demon as redemption
And free your soul
I'll bury your poison, your hatred, your anger as fertilizer
And see flowers bloom

I won't be a coward anymore, I'll dive into the mess

I pray that I leave my wings behind
I stop flying in illusive dreams
I stop running away from the lost time
And fear no more

Being silent doesn't mean I've come to terms with it
I need to save the child in me
Peter Pan, Peter Pan
Peter Pan

Peter Pan
原始歌词 (Chinese)

彼得潘 (Peter Pan)

将 你的舌头 你的拳头 你的心魔
拿来作为掠夺 猎物的刀口
把 你的苦毒 你的可恶 你的愤怒
拿来当成折磨 俘虏的成就

我该怎么做 又该怎么过 这一池混水


我 沉默 不代表我接受
我 拯救 心里的小朋友
彼得潘 彼得潘

我会将 你的舌头 你的拳头 你的心魔
献祭当成悔过 灵魂的解脱
把 你的苦毒 你的可恶 你的愤怒
埋葬作为养分 盛开的花朵

我不再懦弱 也不再退缩 搅一池混水


我 沉默 不代表我接受
我 拯救 心里的小朋友
彼得潘 彼得潘
