周杰伦 - 爱你没差 (Ài nǐ méi chà) [Love you, no matter what] 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Love you, no matter what

The clock that lost its shape, lost its meaning of rotating
It was so quiet on the day that rained
The far vacation without the destination, the distance isn't a problem
There's no love left, is one of your secrets

I take hold in Greenwich, guarding you
At the start of the timeline, thinking about our past
But your traveling, in the forever night Polar zone
Waiting until the love lost its temperature, slowly withers away

The phrase of "I'm sorry" broke the time zones
You want me to fall asleep when I love you the most
The more I think about it, the more I'm sober

I love you no matter what, the minor time differences
The fact that you left punched me too hard
My heart couldn't find the date line, where is it actually?
I can only continue my flight
Until I get you back by myside

Loving you always, the time differences isn't a problem
Just let me start going, slowly
You heart will have at least have a latitude left for me
I will go back to your world
Crossing the difference in the time of love

The clock that lost its shape, lost its meaning of rotating
It was so quiet on the day that rained
The far vacation without the destination, the distance isn't a problem
There's no love left, is one of your secrets

I take hold in Greenwich, guarding you
At the start of the timeline, thinking about our past
But your traveling, in the forever night Polar zone
Waiting until the love lost its temperature, slowly withers away

The phrase of "I'm sorry" broke the time zones
You want me to fall asleep when I love you the most
The more I think about it, the more I'm sober

Loving you always, the time differences isn't a problem
Just let me start going, slowly
You heart will have at least have a latitude left for me
I will go back to your world
Crossing the difference in the time of love

The clock that lost its shape, lost its meaning of rotating
It was so quiet on the day that rained
The far vacation without the destination, the distance isn't a problem
There's no love left, is one of your secrets
原始歌词 (Chinese)

爱你没差 (Ài nǐ méi chà) [Love you, no matter what]

没有圆周的钟 失去旋转意义
下雨这天 好安静
远行没有目的 距离不是问题
不爱了 是你的谜底

我占据 格林威治 守候著你
在时间 标准起点 回忆过去
你却在 永夜了的 极地旅行
等爱在 失温后 渐渐死去

喔 「对不起」 这句话 打乱了时区
喔 你要我 在最爱的时候 睡去

喔 爱你没差 那一点时差 喔~
你离开这一拳给的 太重
我的心找不到 换日线 它在哪

爱你不怕 那一点时差 喔~
就让我静静一个人 出发
你的心总有个 经纬度 会留下

没有圆周的钟 失去旋转意义
下雨这天 好安静
远行没有目的 距离不是问题
不爱了 是你的谜底

我占据 格林威治 守候著你
在时间 标准起点 回忆过去
你却在 永夜了的 极地旅行
等爱在 失温后 渐渐死去

喔 「对不起」 这句话 打乱了时区
喔 你要我 在最爱的时候 睡去

喔 爱你没差 那一点时差 喔~
你离开这一拳给的 太重
我的心找不到 换日线 它在哪

爱你不怕 那一点时差 喔~
就让我静静一个人 出发
你的心总有个 经纬度 会留下