周杰伦 - 本草纲目 [Chinese Herbal Manual] 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Herbalist's Manual

If Hua Tuo were still alive, worshipping of foreign cultures would be healed
Foreigners coming to learn Chinese characters stimulates my cultural knowledge and heritage
Strychnos, sicklepod, rough cocklebur and lotus seed
Air yam, sophora root, chinaberry, I want face

Using my own approach to rewrite a part of history
This is not something special, follow me in uttering a few words
Chinese yam, female ginseng, goji, go! Chinese yam, female ginseng, goji, go!
Watch me grab some Chinese medicines and throw in some pride

My reaction is tranquil, I hurdle over problems
My actions are relaxed and free, you will never learn
Neon signs organised into a neat manner
In this grand city waiting [for it] to awaken

My reaction is tranquil, I hurdle over problems
Use calligraphy to describe a dynasty, internal force is unleashed
Write standard calligraphy in a gallant manner, give a fist of dialogue
The ending starts to become clear, see who is the most impressive

Refined into what panacea? Kneaded into what pill?
Velvet antlers must not be sliced too thinly, the old masters' skill cannot just be haphazardly copied
Tortoise jelly, Yunnan Baiyao and cordyceps
My own music, my medicine, the amount is just right

Once heard that Chinese medicines were very bitter, plagiarism is even more distasteful
Quickly open the Herbalist's Manual, read more books on virtues
Bufotoxin, Di Long overturn the underworld
This is our ancestors' hard work, we cannot lose

This is the light, this is the light, let's sing together
(This is the light, this is the light, hey)
Let me write you a prescription that especially cures internal wounds of foreign-fawning
A prescription rooted in millenniums of Chinese culture has unknown strength

My reaction is tranquil, I hurdle over problems
My actions are relaxed and free, you will never learn
Neon signs organised into a neat manner
In this grand city waiting [for it] to awaken

My reaction is tranquil, I hurdle over problems
Use calligraphy to describe a dynasty, internal force is unleashed
Write standard calligraphy in a gallant manner, give a fist of dialogue
The ending starts to become clear, see who is the most impressive

Squat, little zombie, squat, little zombie, squat
Squat again, little zombie, squat, light the dark alleyway
Squat again, little zombie, squat, dig a turnip hole
Squat again, little zombie, squat, chant a mantra

Squat, little zombie, squat, little zombie, squat
Squat again, little zombie, squat, light the dark alleyway
Squat again, little zombie, squat, dig a turnip hole
Squat again, little zombie, squat, chant a mantra
原始歌词 (Chinese)

本草纲目 [Chinese Herbal Manual]

如果华陀再世 崇洋都被医治
外邦来学汉字 激发我民族意识
马钱子 决明子 苍耳子 还有莲子
黄药子 苦豆子 川楝子 我要面子

用我的方式 改写一部历史
没什么别的事 跟著我 念几个字
山药 当归 枸杞 GO 山药 当归 枸杞 GO
看我抓一把中药 服下一帖骄傲

我表情悠哉 跳个大概 动作轻松自在
你学不来 霓虹的招牌 调整好状态
在华丽的城市 等待醒来

我表情悠哉 跳个大概 用书法书朝代
内力传开 豪气挥正楷 给一拳对白
结局平躺下来 看谁厉害

练成什么丹 揉成什么丸
鹿茸切片不能太薄 老师傅的手法不能这样乱抄
龟苓膏 云南白药 还有冬虫夏草
自己的音乐 自己的药 份量刚刚好

听我说中药苦 抄袭应该更苦
快翻开本草纲目 多看一些善本书
蟾苏 地龙 已翻过江湖
这些老祖宗的辛苦 我们一定不能输

就是这个光 就是这个光 一起唱
(就是这个光 就是这个光 嘿)
让我来调个偏方 专治你媚外的内伤
已扎根千年的汉方 有别人不知道的力量

我表情悠哉 跳个大概 动作轻松自在
你学不来 霓虹的招牌 调整好状态
在华丽的城市 等待醒来

我表情悠哉 跳个大概 用书法书朝代
内力传开 豪气挥正楷 给一拳对白
结局平躺下来 看谁厉害

蹲 小僵尸蹲 小僵尸蹲 又蹲 小僵尸蹲 暗巷点灯
又蹲 小僵尸蹲 钻萝卜坑 又蹲 小僵尸蹲 念咒语哼

蹲 小僵尸蹲 小僵尸蹲 又蹲 小僵尸蹲 暗巷点灯
又蹲 小僵尸蹲 钻萝卜坑 又蹲 小僵尸蹲 念咒语哼