周杰伦 - 发如雪 (Fà rú xuě) [Hair Like Snow] 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Hair Like Snow

The wolf tooth moon, she is so raggard,
I raise a cup, drinking up the wind and snow.
Who overturns the past life, overturning dust with sorrow?
Fate writes a farewell, recurring through multiple lifetimes.
You wrinkle your brows, crying for a beauty never returning
Though history turned into ashes, my love never extinguishes.
The bustle is like all the waters heading east--
I only take a ladle of understanding love,
only longing for your incarnation into a butterfly.

Your hair is like snow, poignantly leaving,
who is touched when I burn incense?
Inviting the bright moon to lighten up memories,
love is perfected under the moonlight.
Your hair is like snow, swirling about with tears
For whom I grow old waiting for?
The drunken human world, the tipsy years,
I don't regret the tablet engraved with "I love you forever."

Your hair is like snow, poignantly leaving,
who is touched when I burn incense?
Inviting the bright moon to lighten up memories,
love is perfected under the moonlight.
Your hair is like snow, swirling about with tears
For whom I grow old waiting for?
The drunken human world, the tipsy years.

The wolf tooth moon, she is so raggard,
I raise a cup, drinking up the wind and snow.
Who overturns the past life, overturning dust with sorrow?
Fate writes a farewell, recurring through multiple lifetimes.
You wrinkle your brows, crying for a beauty never returning
Though history turned into ashes, my love never extinguishes.
The bustle is like all the waters heading east--
I only take a ladle of understanding love,
only longing for your incarnation into a butterfly.

Your hair is like snow, poignantly leaving,
who is touched when I burn incense?
Inviting the bright moon to lighten up memories,
love is perfected under the moonlight.
Your hair is like snow, swirling about with tears
For whom I grow old waiting for?
The drunken human world, the tipsy years,
I don't regret the tablet engraved with "I love you forever."

Your hair is like snow, poignantly leaving,
who is touched when I burn incense?
Inviting the bright moon to lighten up memories,
love is perfected under the moonlight.
Your hair is like snow, swirling about with tears
For whom I grow old waiting for?
The drunken human world, the tipsy years,

Your hair is like snow, poignantly leaving,
who is touched when I burn incense?
Inviting the bright moon to lighten up memories,
love is perfected under the moonlight.
Your hair is like snow, swirling about with tears
For whom I grow old waiting for?
The drunken human world, the tipsy years,
I don't regret the tablet engraved with "I love you forever."

The bronze mirror reflects without regret; tying a ponytail,
you seem to behave badly. I keep company with wine in this life.

The bronze mirror reflects without regret; tying a ponytail,
you seem to behave badly. I keep company with wine in this life.
原始歌词 (Chinese)

发如雪 (Fà rú xuě) [Hair Like Snow]

狼牙月 伊人憔悴
我举杯 饮尽了风雪
是谁打翻前世柜 惹尘埃是非
缘字诀 几番轮回
妳锁眉 哭红颜唤不回
纵然青史已经成灰 我爱不灭

妳发如雪 凄美了离别
邀明月 让回忆皎洁
妳发如雪 纷飞了眼泪
红尘醉 微醺的岁月
我用无悔 刻永世爱妳的碑

你发如雪 凄美了离别
邀明月 让回忆皎洁
你发如雪 纷飞了眼泪
红尘醉 微醺的岁月

狼牙月 伊人憔悴
我举杯 饮尽了风雪
是谁打翻前世柜 惹尘埃是非
缘字诀 几番轮回
妳锁眉 哭红颜唤不回
纵然青史已经成灰 我爱不灭

妳发如雪 凄美了离别
邀明月 让回忆皎洁
妳发如雪 纷飞了眼泪
红尘醉 微醺的岁月
我用无悔 刻永世爱妳的碑

你发如雪 凄美了离别
邀明月 让回忆皎洁
你发如雪 纷飞了眼泪
红尘醉 微醺的岁月

妳发如雪 凄美了离别
邀明月 让回忆皎洁
妳发如雪 纷飞了眼泪
红尘醉 微醺的岁月
我用无悔 刻永世爱妳的碑

啦儿啦 啦儿啦 啦儿啦儿啦
啦儿啦 啦儿啦 啦儿啦儿啦
铜镜映无邪 扎马尾
妳若撒野 今生我把酒奉陪

啦儿啦 啦儿啦 啦儿啦儿啦
啦儿啦 啦儿啦 啦儿啦儿啦
铜镜映无邪 扎马尾
妳若撒野 今生我把酒奉陪