薛之谦 - 方圆几里 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Within A Few Miles

Feeling sincere is a good thing
There's no need to make promises, it's childish
I thought I could just follow you like this
It's not like I have anywhere else to go

I'm afraid of people who are too responsible
Because they might sacrifice at any time
Whether you love me or not, it doesn't matter, I depend on you anyways
I even help you look for your excuses

Rather than being in a world where you don't want me
It's better to forget you straightforwardly
Everyone knows this but it's easier said than done, some people even after loving through, are still reluctant to admit their faults and their mistakes
I'd rather stay within a few miles of you
My heart, how about I just gift it to you?
Because I love you, but it's none of your concern

Feeling suppressed isn't fun
It's not worth it to force it
I'm not very selfish and I'm becoming more mature
Loving you is just my business

Rather than being in a world where you don't want me
It's better to forget you straightforwardly
Everyone knows this but it's easier said than done, some people even after loving through, are still reluctant to admit their faults and their mistakes

I'd rather stay within a few miles of you
At least I can feel your joys and sorrows
I can accompany you when you need me

I'm in a world where I'm not wanted by you
Why not find someone in replacement?
Unfortunately, I won't listen to anyone who tries to persuade me

I'd rather stay within a few miles of you
My heart, how about I just gift it to you?
Whether you love me or not, it doesn't matter to me
Because I love you, but it's none of your concern

My love spreads within a few miles
Close enough to hear your breaths
As long as you turn around, I'll be here.
原始歌词 (Chinese)


感觉很诚恳 是好事
不需要发誓 那么幼稚
本以为可以 就这样随你

爱不爱都可以 我怎样都依你
连借口 我都帮你寻

我的心 要不回就送你
因为我爱你 和你没关系

感觉会压抑 的样子
勉强 也没什么意思
我不算很自私 也越来越懂事


我宁愿 留在你方圆几里
在你需要我的时候 就能陪你

我在你 不要的世界里
可惜我 谁劝都不听

我宁愿 留在你方圆几里
我的心 要不回就送你
爱不爱都可以 我怎样都依你
因为我爱你 和你没关系

我的爱 扩散在方圆几里
近的能 听见你的呼吸
只要你转身 我就在这里