薛之谦 - 木偶人 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Wooden Puppets

Listening to the ancients who were loyal, leaving kind words for the loved ones
Watching those who bind their feet
, silently enduring the bad habits of poets
You didn't understand the textbooks, but the world insists on praising you
Watching those in love, using their eyes to categorize people into different levels
With some applause added, everyone looks loyal and devoted
Who wrote this bad script? But everyone is following the trend, the atmosphere is numb and indifferent

So when we all become wooden puppets
Why bother being a foolish person, showing loyalty and fidelity
With neat descriptions and cheap scars, you can still cry and be emotional

Let us all become wooden puppets
Stitch a few times, love a few times, and you won't feel pain anymore
Remove the function of remembering, and when you meet again, act like strangers

Those who were once loved secretly hid the books of love
Those who love now have various ways to play
You need one set, two copies, to turn kisses into evidence
Making those who are moved by emotions, still need to distinguish between good and bad people
Don't fight in the rain, and don't let the person who accompanies you with a pull-tab on a Coke can turn into a cliche
Why take it too seriously, don't mention that painful journey

So when we all become wooden puppets
Why bother being a foolish person, showing loyalty and fidelity
With neat descriptions and repeatedly cheap scars, you can still cry and be emotional

Let us all become wooden puppets
Stitch a few times, love a few times, and you won't feel pain anymore
Remove the function of remembering, and when you meet again, act like strangers

No one can become a wooden puppet
It's just a process of evasion in emotions
We are arrogant and domineering, disguising our lack of power to interfere
We must unthread a few stitches when we meet someone new

When we envy wooden puppets
Learn their ways of manipulating the scene
Beautiful words and praises, like applause from people, are for the loved ones
A thick book of defenses is the aftermath I gave myself
原始歌词 (Chinese)


听专情的古人 把美言留给最爱的人
看裹小脚的人 为诗人的恶习在隐忍
你没读懂课本 可世人硬要捧
看感情里的人 用肉眼分出三六九等
再配合些掌声 看上去全都忠心耿耿
谁定的烂台本 可当代都在跟 气氛已麻木不仁

所以 当我们都变成木偶人
文字叙述工整 配上廉价伤痕 你还会哭多感人

去除惦记功能 再遇到你时像个陌生人

以前爱过的人 偷偷的藏起红绿两本
现在相爱的人 能耍的方式五花八门
要一式要两份 把热吻当罪证
让动了情的人 还要去分辨好人坏人
别在雨里对阵 用可乐拉环陪你的人
已变成俗剧本 你何必太当真 不要提那辛路历程

所以 当我们都变成木偶人
文字叙述工整 重复廉价伤痕 你还会哭多感人

去除惦记功能 再遇到你时像个陌生人

我们盛气凌人 掩饰无权过问

美化措辞追捧 似拟人的掌声是我爱人
防备厚厚一本 是我献出自己的后遗症