蔡依林 - Miss Trouble 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Miss Trouble

It’s midnight and she has something on her mind,uploads a picture of herself in heavy makeup and says that she is lonely.
(At the hem of her)pomegranate skirt
,whether they are heterosexual or homosexual,so long as they gather around her she will keep them
Want both love and bread
,want to be flawlessly beautiful,
She has a fan club and high popularity.
HELLO she is at all times on stand by to shoot a makeup advertisement Why.

Friends who are as close as sisters, look more and more like one another, how intriguing.
The dating itinerary looks like a work schedule.
There are only a few hundred messages that have been read but not replied to (that's not too bad).

Wanting to make everyone envious,
(your) high heeled shoes get higher and higher.
Always taking your selcas from the same angle,
you have never been honourable in love.

Don't make yourself turn into trouble.
Longing to be loved by all all day and night,
(you) have forgotten how adorable you were originally.
Don’t turn into the same prototype.
Believe me,You are not trouble,
Goddess or girl, there is always someone who will love (you).
There will be good men unafraid of trouble,
Who will cup you in their hands and love you.

Beauties have three precious treasures
:circle lenses,bra pads and false lashes.
When taking a group photo, (you) unduly worry about the trifling matter of whose face is smaller.
Everytime (you) cry or laugh,you need to go online to report it.
It's hard to understand.What is the point?
When there is someone at your side,You will always only eat until you are only slightly full no.

Brand name bags,(You) have never worried about not obtaining them.
The romance photo catalogue has been arranged.
Honeyed words
, how beautifully they have said it.

Want to make everyone jealous,
angelic heart with a devilish streak.
However no one knows
how she actually also has worries.

Don't make yourself turn into trouble.
Longing to be loved by all all day and night,
(You) have forgotten how adorable you were originally.
Don’t turn into the same prototype.
Believe me,you are not trouble,
Goddess or girl, there is always someone who will love(you).
There will be good men unafraid of trouble,
Who will cup you in their hands and love you.

Cup you in their hands and love you.

Friends who are as close as sisters,look more and more like one another,how intriguing.
The dating itinerary looks like a work schedule.
There are only a few hundred messages that have been read but not replied to (that's not too bad).
Brand name bags,(you) have never worried about not obtaining them.
The romance photo catalogue has been arranged.
Honeyed words, how beautifully they have said it.

Could I trouble happiness to come earlier?
原始歌词 (Chinese)

Miss Trouble

半夜很有事 发张浓妆照 说寂寞
石榴裙 直的弯的簇拥她都收留
要爱情 要面包 要美得无死角
粉丝团 人气高
HELLO 她随时 stand by拍美妆广告 Why

姊妹淘 越来越像好奇妙
已读不回 讯息还好几百条


梦寐以求 人见人爱
忘了当初你 有多可爱
女神女孩 都有人爱
会有好男人 不怕麻烦

美女有三宝 放大片 水饺 假睫毛
拍合照 斤斤计较谁的脸比较小
每次哭 每次笑 都要上线报告
搞不懂 是哪招
身边有人在 永远只吃三分饱 no

名牌包 从来不愁得不到
甜言蜜语 他们说得多美妙


梦寐以求 人见人爱
忘了当初你 有多可爱
女神女孩 都有人爱
会有好男人 不怕麻烦


姊妹淘 越来越像好奇妙
已读不回 讯息还好几百条
名牌包 从来不愁得不到
甜言蜜语 他们说得多美妙
