蔡依林 - 美杜莎 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)


Loving her, your summer turns into snow.
Your heart is eaten by scorpio, bleeding in the very first dawn.
Looking at your shadow, it's the opium of my obsession.
Awakening from this fairy tale, lossing my crown and my love.

Though time flies, Sichuan's wind still dries my eyes.
My beauty is being ketp hostiage.
The crown of thorn, the jealousy snake remain dancing round my head.

The pride of love creates a proudest king.
Those sinking poor silly souls.
The rules of love,
How could I give a rejection?

All I need is Love ,Love me Please!
Baby, what you waiting for
Nobody can glimpse the colour of my eyes.
All I need is Love ,Love me Please!
Baby, what you waiting for
I long for love like a snake tries to swallow the big elephant.

My Love,What fatal is the fire of love.
My Love,What fatal is the fire of love.

What fatal is the fire of love, burning me into a stone.

Ah~ Those gods and goddesses from Olympia.
Ah~ They never figure out the sadness of love.
I am that bloody red rose in your heart.
It's stunning beauty can even catch your eyes.

Let the goddess Medusa be my lover and chains my heart.
Transform my signs into music notes playing the tunes of my sorrow.

Love is only for the strongest survivor to receive the blessing.
What on earch can I do, even I am qualify to be a lover?

Closed my eyes I dare not to see.
Those fossils of loneliness darken the eternal world.
Please come to save me and cast away my curse.
Look at me, otherwise set me free.

Loving you, your summer turns into snow.
Your heart is eaten by scorpio, bleeding in the evening twilight.

Say the words you love me and say it right now.
Medusa says,Please love me love me.
原始歌词 (Chinese, English)


你爱她 全世界在盛夏飘着雪
心里爬着蝎 暮光泣着血
我望着你背影 狂饮鸩迷恋
从神话中醒来 遗失桂冠和爱

任时光荏苒 等忘川风干

我能怎样呢 我能怎样呢

All I need is Love 请爱我
Baby, what you waiting for
谁都不能 看我眼睛的颜色
All I need is Love 请爱我
Baby, what you waiting for
我奢望爱 就像吞象的蛇

My Love 这致命的爱火
My Love 这致命的爱火

这致命的爱火 已石化了我

唉唉唉~ 奥林匹斯山的神祇
唉唉唉~ 不懂凡人爱的悲戚
美得再倾城 也得不到祝福

美杜莎为爱 愿被心碎禁锢
用叹息当音符 弹奏着孤独

有爱的资格 我能怎样呢

闭上双眼 我就看不见
那被寂寞石化 永夜了的世界
谁能拯救我 请你解放我受的诅咒
凝视着我 否则就还给我自由

爱你 全世界在盛夏飘着雪
心里爬着蝎 暮光泣着血

请你爱我 爱我 爱我
美杜莎说 爱我 爱我