歌词翻译 (English)
Holy Night
Who is this wonderful Baby sleeping peacefully on Mary's arms?
In the middle of the night, Angels sing a sweet song, greeting Him, and descend into the world of people.
Look! Look! Christ is our King. Shepherds and Angels praise Him.
Come! Come! Go down on bended knee and worship. Holy Baby is the newborn King.
Who is this wonderful Baby sleeping peacefully on Mary's arms?
Seemingly poor and lowly. But everything that exists is in awe of the Lord.
Look! Look! Christ is our King. Shepherds and Angels praise Him.
Come! Come! Go down on bended knee and worship. Holy Baby is the newborn King.
Hallelujah! Hosanna in the highest! (2X)
Offer up gold, myrrh and frankincense. Rich and poor
Look at the Word became flesh Who bring us salvation. All hearts should honor Him as King!
Look! Look! Christ is our King. Shepherds and Angels praise Him.
Come! Come! Go down on bended knee and worship. Holy Baby is the newborn King.
Hallelujah! Hosanna in the highest! (4X)