李健 - 父亲写的散文诗 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

A poem written by Dad

A poem written by Dad

1984,the crops are not done harvest yet.
My son is sleeping soundly on my chest.
No time to catch a movie at the open cinema tonight.
My wife reminds me of fixing the sewing machine stand.
I am going to borrow some money from the neighbor again tomorrow.
To think that my child has cried profusely wanting a piece of cookie.
Wearing my usual blue khaki jacket, and feeling an intense pain drilling into my heart.
As I squatting down near to a pond, and give myself a couple of heavy punches.'

This were the words written on my Dad's diary.
This is the poem that he left in the expense of his youth life.
Its been a few decades, and I am still tearful after reading it every time.
But my dad has aged, unnoticeable by people just like a shadow

'1994, the crops has been harvested much earlier.
My beloved mother has passed away last year.
My son put on his uniform and went for a school.
But he is having some hard time lately, and slimmed down significantly.
When I think about the future, after I pass away.
My son probably has mature and grown become a real man by that time.
He will marry the young sweet lady who he love dearly and form a family.
I wish that they would not go through poverty and suffer just like me.''

This were the words written on my Dad's diary.
This is the poem that he has left for me with the last breath of his life.
Its been a few decades, and I am still tearful after reading it every time.
But my dad has aged, unnoticeable by people just like a shadow

This were the words written on my Dad's diary.
This is the poem that he has left for me with the last breath of his life.
Its been a few decades, and I am still tearful after reading it every time.
But my father has long gone just like an old newspaper carried away by the wind.
This are the footprints left by the person of previous generation.
The mark will vanish after laden by numerous rain and storms.
This piece of soil has set me into tears in the past.
as It has buried countless people's sorrowful past.
原始歌词 (Chinese)


一九八四年 庄稼还没收割完
儿子躺在我怀里 睡得那么甜
今晚的露天电影 没时间去看
妻子提醒我 修修缝纫机的踏板
明天我要去 邻居家再借点钱
孩子哭了一整天啊 闹著要吃饼干
蓝色的涤卡上衣 痛往心里钻
蹲在池塘边上 狠狠 给了自己两拳

这是他的青春留下 留下来的散文诗
多年以后 我看著泪流不止
我的父亲老得 像一个影子

一九九四年 庄稼早已收割完
我的老母亲去年 离开了人间
儿子穿著白衬衫 跑进了校园
可他最近有些心事 瘦了一大圈
想一想未来 我老成了一堆旧纸钱
那时的儿子已是 真正的男子汉
有个可爱的姑娘 和他成了家
但愿他们能 不要活得如此艰难

这是他的生命 留下 留下来的散文诗
多年以后 我看著泪流不止
我的父亲已经老得 像一个影子

这是我父亲 日记里的文字
这是他的生命 留下 留下来的散文诗
多年以后 我看著泪流不止
我的父亲在风中 像一张旧报纸

几场风雨后就要 抹去了痕迹
它埋葬了多少人 心酸的往事