歌词翻译 (中文 → 英文)
My motherland
A big river’s waves are wide.
Wind blows rice flower’s scent t’ banks’ side.
My home sits right ‘bove the bank
I’ve grown used to helmsmen’s shanty
and white sails in water glide.
’Tis beautiful motherland
from where I’m born, t’where I’m bind.
O'er every corner on this vast land
bright and beaut’fully the sun has shined.
Girls are pretty as flowerkind.
Boys have big hearts n open mind.
To blaze the trails for new world,
They’ve wakened the slumbered mountains
They rivers’ meanders did unwind.
’Tis heroic motherland
from where I’m born, t’where I’m bind.
Every corner on this ancient land
the youthful power you can always find.
Nice hills n’ waters of mankind
Wide straight roads are well aligned.
If friends come, we’ve got nice hooch.
If jackals and wolves drop by
they’ll face but shotguns unkind
’Tis powerful motherland
from where I’m born, t’where I’m bind.
O'er every corner on this warm land
peacefully the sun has always shined.