洛天依 - 前尘如梦 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

The past is like a dream

Stifling clusters of buildings, make my heart beat
The passing crowd, drowns out my sorrow
I want to get far away from that noisy place
Alone I return home… all empty
The city lights waver, so intoxicating it hurts
The desolate crescent moon covers the ground in frost
I want to quietly enter that gentle town
Within my dreams, searching for a glimpse of a past life

In my dream, on the end of that small bridge I glance around
In my dream, in that pond lotuses sway back and forth
Holding a paper umbrella, spinning in pouring rain
Nervously dancing for you my love, I would rather do
In my past life floating on the lake in that small boat
In my past life the landscape becomes dyed with ink
Lighting a candle flame, watching the distance from the pavilion
My longings and emotions flow endlessly

I awaken deep in the night, my tears bring disaster
Reality’s still here, I can’t escape
Want to sink deep into that sea of reincarnation
I see the future, white as snow
I wipe the dust from that lonely windowsill
No matter what, the colors outside can’t get in
I want to quickly find that one love
Slowly strolling hand in hand, continuing the story in this life

In my dream, on the end of that small bridge I glance around
In my dream, in that pond lotuses sway back and forth
Holding a paper umbrella, spinning in pouring rain
Nervously dancing for you my love, I would rather do
In my past life floating on the lake in that small boat
In my past life the landscape becomes dyed with ink
Blowing out a candle, appreciating each other in our bridal chamber
The endless story of our eternity

The past is like a dream, I think
I will never forget this life

In my dream, on the end of that small bridge I glance around
In my dream, in that pond lotuses sway back and forth
Holding a paper umbrella, spinning in pouring rain
Nervously dancing for you my love, I would rather do
In my past life floating on the lake in that small boat
In my past life the landscape becomes dyed with ink
Lighting a candle flame, watching the distance from the pavilion
My longings and emotions flow endlessly
Blowing out a candle, appreciating each other in our bridal chamber
The endless story of our eternity
原始歌词 (Chinese)


林立楼房 堵得心慌
来往人群 淹没我悲伤
想远远 离开那喧闹场
独自回房 空荡荡
灯火彷徨 醉得受伤
月牙凄凉 洒了一地霜
想静静 进入那温柔乡
梦中寻找 看见前世窗

撑一把纸伞 在雨幕中回转
只羞舞给中意的你看 我情愿
点一盏烛光 在长亭外遥遥守望

深夜醒来 泪水成灾
现实还在 我逃避不开
想深深 沉进那轮回海
看见未来 白皑皑
孤影窗台 拭去尘埃
窗外色彩 通通进不来
想快快 找到那唯一爱
牵手漫步 续写今生脉

撑一把纸伞 在雨幕中回转
只羞舞给心爱的你看 我情愿
吹一盏烛光 新房里与郎共赏

前尘如梦 去猜

撑一把纸伞 在雨幕中回转
只羞舞给中意的你看 我情愿
点一盏烛光 在长亭外遥遥守望
吹一盏烛光 新房里与郎共赏