MP魔幻力量 - Thank You 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Thank You

Perhaps our encounter is really god's arrangement
Arranged the most important accident in my whole life
Accident that makes me battle together and also repositioning the guidebook
The guidebook hints out the most crucial turn

Heroes in the movies, all wear mask when night comes
The me in reality relies on the mark of you wiping away the tears
Rescue yourself requires more bravery than rescuing the world
Every time when I speak up, you never turn me down

Always feel like saying something, but never saying it out loud
It's simple and common but it's most comforting and needed

Finally say it out Thank you, Thank you
No matter how long ago it should be said, Thank you, Thank you
There's no more to say but Thank you, Thank you
Grab the chance to say before falling

Finally say it out Thank you, Thank you
Before it's too late, Thank you, Thank you
There's no more suitable but Thank you, Thank you
Nothing can be heartfelt than this
Thank you for everything

Because this world is terrible, it makes me cherish the happy moments
Because being teased, I learn to grab the warm smile
Because we have suffered together, I learn the secrets to sharing happiness
Because you are my friend

Time has left its mark in everyone, in everywhere
Throb quietly clutches the hearts without showing
Every sincere greeting is unforgettable
You have made my miracles

Always feel like saying something, but never saying it out loud
It's simple and common but it's most comforting and needed

Finally say it out Thank you, Thank you
No matter how long ago it should be said, Thank you, Thank you
There's no more to say but Thank you, Thank you
Grab the chance to say before falling

Finally say it out Thank you, Thank you
Before it's too late, Thank you, Thank you
There's no more suitable but Thank you, Thank you
Nothing can be heartfelt than this
Thank you for everything

Bro, don't let people know I am talking about you
Don't take my love as fun
The annual big show, don't doubt and don't be modest
Let's get it started

Please call when you need hands
I am serious about serving as your pride
This gratitude is real but no need of special effect
In the silent night, I recall your care

Thank you, Thank you
Thank you, Thank you
Thank you, Thank you
Thank you

Finally say it out Thank you, Thank you
Before it's too late, Thank you, Thank you
There's no more suitable but Thank you, Thank you
Nothing can be heartfelt than this
Thank you for everything

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for everything
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for everything
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for everything
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for everything
原始歌词 (Chinese)

Thank You

也许我们的相遇 真的是上天的安排
安排了我一生中 最重要的一场意外
意外并了肩作战 也重新定位了指南

电影里的英雄 到了夜晚都带上面具
现实里的我 得靠你擦拭眼泪的痕迹
拯救自己比拯救世界 需要更多的勇气

总觉得该说些什么 但从来没真正说出口
有些话简单平凡 却最能够释怀 最需要的存在

终于说出口 Thank you, Thank you
不管过了多久 Thank you, Thank you
除了这一句还是 Thank you, Thank you

终于说出口 Thank you, Thank you
还来得及之前 Thank you, Thank you
还有谁比你适合 Thank you, Thank you
Thank you for everything

因为这世界很糟糕 让我更珍惜美好
因为被嘲笑让我 更把握温暖的微笑
因为共苦过让我 更懂得同甘的诀窍

每个真心的问候 都让我刻骨铭心

总觉得该说些什么 但从来没真正说出口
有些话简单平凡 却最能够释怀 最需要的存在

终于说出口 Thank you, Thank you
不管过了多久 Thank you, Thank you
除了这一句还是 Thank you, Thank you

终于说出口 Thank you, Thank you
还来得及之前 Thank you, Thank you
还有谁比你适合 Thank you, Thank you
Thank you for everything

兄弟 不要看别人我在说你
年度的大戏 不用怀疑也不用客气
Let's get it started


Thank you, Thank you
Thank you, Thank you
Thank you, Thank you
Thank you

终于说出口 Thank you, Thank you
还来得及之前 Thank you, Thank you
还有谁比你适合 Thank you, Thank you
Thank you for everything

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for everything
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for everything
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for everything
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for everything