Namewee - We Are Gangster 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

We Are Gangster

Here comes the gangster, we ain't no monster
We're protecting the marginal people
Call me gangster don't treat me like a monster
Put your hands in the air we are all here to stay!

Stop stereotyping us just because we're gangsters
We can be strong horourable and sensitive too
We position our strength so we stand as one
Not to compete against each other
We want peace in territory we control
When going gets tough the tough gets going
We choose our own destiny even there's no turning
We started weak but we're now strong
There's honor to onself and the society
Those who came through must now defend
Always reminding our true mission
Protecting our brothers and staying away from trouble
The power of fist is not for showing off
Know when to proceed and when to retreat
Staying true and cleansing the soul
Show respect and don't become a burden

Here comes the gangster, we ain't no monster
We're protecting the marginal people
Call me gangster don't treat me like a monster
Put your hands up if you're my brother
Here comes the gangster, we ain't no monster
We're protecting the marginal people
Call me gangster don't treat me like a monster
Put your hands in the air we are all here to stay!

Do you know you're stepping onto my turt?
Rub that smirk off your face
Which gang do you belong to?
Stop shaking that head
Don't try to provoke me
Show some respect like your boss
How long have you been in this boy?
Don't you know our code?
Do you know about gangster rules?
Stop taking to me in English
You were still in napkins when I started
Drinking off your mommy's milk
Who are you to offend my guys
Have a problem with them you have with me
With one phone call you could be died
You're shivering, what's your excuse now?
We chose this path and it's never easy
Given the choice we could lead a different life
It saddens me not because you look down on me
I just wish you could understand how I really feel

Here comes the gangster, we ain't no monster
We're protecting the marginal people
Call me gangster don't treat me like a monster
Put your hands up if you're my brother
Here comes the gangster, we ain't no monster
We're protecting the marginal people
Call me gangster don't treat me like a monster
Put your hands in the air we are all here to stay!

Unity is our power
So don't be afraid brother
Unity is our power
So don't be afraid brother
We unite today for a better tomorrow
We are rebels with good intention
We unite today for a better tomorrow
We are rebels with good intention
We're not here to make trouble
Our brothers are in need and we're here for them
Don't differentiate us with our background
We must lead with example now
There's issues we need to solve
There's safety in numbers
That's why we came here today
Let's bring a chance today
Together me march forward
We're not making trouble
Forget the past and let's look forward
We strive for a better future
Let this song be our inspiration
Stop hesitate and come together now
One heart and one goal we unite

Here comes the gangster, we ain't no monster
We're protecting the marginal people
Call me gangster don't treat me like a monster
Put your hands up if you're my brother
Here comes the gangster, we ain't no monster
We're protecting the marginal people
Call me gangster don't treat me like a monster
Put your hands in the air we are all here to stay!
原始歌词 (Chinese, English, Malay, Tamil)

We Are Gangster

Here comes the gangster, we ain't no monster
We're protecting the marginal people
Call me gangster don't treat me like a monster
Put your hands in the air we are all here to stay!

Bila sebut gangster, jangan fikir negatif
Gagah dan perkasa, tu pasal jiwa sensitif
Didefinisi organisasi berposisi satu paksi
Bukan pasal tunjuk siapa lagi lansi
Penjaga kawasan bertujuan untuk aman
Hidup bila sekitar ganas macam hutan
Jadi terus pilih jalan dan tak kembali
Mula kosong melopong, kini dah berisi
Untuk pelihara diri dan marhaen sekeliling
Dari yang menang bertanding kini berpaling
Ingat matlamat asal masa awal-awal
Jaga adik beradik bukan nak cari pasal
Kekuatan menumbuk bukan untuk menunjuk
Tau bila perlu nak sengat dan bila berundur
Biar parut silang kat muka hati mesti baik
Yang tak susahkan orang lain kita kasih tabik

Here comes the gangster, we ain't no monster
We're protecting the marginal people
Call me gangster don't treat me like a monster
Put your hands up here comes my brother
Here comes the gangster, we ain't no monster
We're protecting the marginal people
Call me gangster don't treat me like a monster
Put your hands in the air we are all here to stay!


Here comes the gangster, we ain't no monster
We're protecting the marginal people
Call me gangster don't treat me like a monster
Put your hands up here comes my brother
Here comes the gangster, we ain't no monster
We're protecting the marginal people
Call me gangster don't treat me like a monster
Put your hands in the air we are all here to stay!

ஒற்றுமை வென்றுடிமே
ஊரு துளி பாயம் இல்லையே
ஒற்றுமை வென்றுடிமே
ஊரு துளி பாயம் இல்லையே
இன்றே ஒற்றுமை நாளையே வழிமுறை,
நாள் வலி வன்முறை வென்றிடும் தலைமுறை
இன்றே ஒற்றுமை நாளையே வழிமுறை,
நாள் வலி வன்முறை வென்றிடும் தலைமுறை
இது போரில் போரில்,
எந்தன் மக்களை காக்கும் கண்காட்சி,
இது நிகரில்லை நிகரில்லை,
எந்தன் ஒற்றுமையை இங்கு ஆராட்சி,
ஊரு குள்ளே எதனை பிரச்சனை,
இன்னும் வரை திரை வில்லை,
அதனாலே வந்து புட்டோம்
உளதாகும் ஓய்வு குடக்கே
இது கூட்டு குடும்பம் பொய்யல்லே
இது போக்கிரி கூட்டம் மெய்யல்லே,
தப்பை எல்லாம் விட்டு தள்ளே,
நல்லதற்கு உயிரை குடி,
விடை தேடும் என் பாடு கொருமை
வலி பிறக்காதோ நன்றி சொல்லே
போக்கிரி தனத்தை விட்டு தள்ளே
ஒற்றுமை குணத்தை மீட்டு எடு

Here comes the gangster, we ain't no monster
We're protecting the marginal people
Call me gangster don't treat me like a monster
Put your hands up here comes my brother
Here comes the gangster, we ain't no monster
We're protecting the marginal people
Call me gangster don't treat me like a monster
Put your hands in the air we are all here to stay!