凤凰传奇 - 御龙归字谣 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

The Ballad of Yulong

The pavilion on the attic of the palace
[was] sprinkled by drizzle and obscured by fog
[Lying under] the hazy moon
[Lighted by] soft candle light
A crisp, sweet scent dispersed from the teapot

[He envisioned] the Longzhong plan [to] reestablish the Han Dynasty
and laughed over the 'tripartite division' (of the Nine States)
The spirit of Yulong
lived on in the Nine States
[His] hairband and feathered fan were remembered for thousand years

A great man should have great ambitions,
to go where no one has ever gone, and
to shed his blood on expanding his country's territory
The path on which the army marched was rough and dusty
Looking forward to the return of old friends
I prayed for prosperity in the lookout tower

Rap: A soft chord circulate continuously
[Yulong was] reading aloud and carrying a brush
[He envisioned] the Longzhong plan to reestablish the Han Dynasty
and laughed over the tripartite division (of the Nine States)
[He] devised tactics which led to victorious battles thousand miles away
Let me make use of the east wind from the Red Cliff for one night
The spirit of Yulong lived on in the Nine States
[His] hairband and feather fan were remembered for thousand years

The pavilion on the attic of the palace
[was] sprinkled by drizzle and obscured by fog
[Lying under] the hazy moon
[Lighted by] soft candle light
A crisp, sweet scent dispersed from the teapot

[He envisioned] the Longzhong plan [to] reestablish the Han Dynasty
and laughed over the 'tripartite division' (of the Nine States)
The spirit of Yulong lived on in the Nine States
[His] hairband and feathered fan were remembered for thousand years

A great man should have great ambitions,
to go where no one has ever gone, and
to shed his blood on expanding his country's territory
The path on which the army marched was rough and dusty
Looking forward to the return of old friends
I prayed for prosperity in the lookout tower

A great man should have great ambitions,
to go where no one has ever gone, and
to shed his blood on expanding his country's territory
The path on which the army marched was rough and dusty
Looking forward to the return of old friends
I prayed for prosperity in the lookout tower
原始歌词 (Chinese)


鹏龙悦 为楚颜

隆中对 复兴业
御龙图 九州月

好儿郎 一生要志在四方
所向无前 热血洒 开土拓疆
洗净怒 一路坎坷尘土飞扬
盼故人归 我在望楼祈福永昌

Rap: 微微琴弦 绕梁不绝
朗朗书声 承载笔砚
隆中有对 复兴之业
三分之策 笑谈山野
运筹帷幄 决胜千里
赤壁东风 借我一夜
御龙之途 九州苍月
纶巾羽扇 忆千年

鹏龙悦 为楚颜

隆中对 复兴业
御龙图 九州月

好儿郎 一生要志在四方
所向无前 热血洒 开土拓疆
洗净怒 一路坎坷尘土飞扬
盼故人归 我在望楼祈福永昌

好儿郎 一生要志在四方
所向无前 热血洒 开土拓疆
洗净怒 一路坎坷尘土飞扬
盼故人归 我在望楼祈福永昌