龙胆紫 - D-Day 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)


D day Everyday Hustle on the way yeah yeah

If you're the same, you like the seaside and the beach
Want to lie down looking at the blue sky doing nothing
Can't stand winter, don't like to wear a coat
I want to see palm trees whenever I open my eyes
If you're the same, you like gambling
The roar of an engine, the voice of a woman
If you're like this too, moved by beautiful music
Then maybe we're just the people you're looking for

Can't hear enough good music, turn that 9 into 6
Drinking beer and eating BBQ, pretty girls, yeah u know
Sailing out to sea, late-night get high
For all my love let go of everything I love
Sebago polo kangol pogo
If you're like this too, get excited whenever you hear a good song
Then maybe we're just the people you're looking for

D day Everyday Hustle on the way yeah yeah
D day Everyday Hustle on the way yeah yeah

Open the pilot's door, don't hide inside
Let the bass hit all our bodies
Let the sun shine a while on the gold I'm wearing
Ambition drives you crazy, wolf in the dark night
Hands and machinery make music together
Starry sky flashing in and out, can't see the boundary
Heard a familiar melody again, I'm focused
See a warrior standing still in the breeze, gun in hand
yeah u know
Freedom overwhelms the rules
Look in that direction and live without a bumpy heart
In the flooded desert, your vision becomes wider
One sip of liquor and another will make you excited
Then please walk into the crowd now
Follow us, don't hesitate, don't leave yourself behind
d day everyday get high real life
allla time we Shine know my homie n’G

D day Everyday Hustle on the way yeah yeah
D day Everyday Hustle on the way yeah yeah
D day Everyday Hustle on the way yeah yeah
原始歌词 (Chinese)


D day Everyday Hustle on the way yeah yeah

如果你也一样 喜欢 海边儿和沙滩
想 对着蓝天 躺下什么也不干
我希望 每次睁眼都能够看到棕榈树
如果你也一样 喜欢gamblin
发动机的轰鸣 女人的声音
如果你也这样 美妙的音乐让你感动
那可能 我们就是你要找的人

好的音乐听不够 把9变成了6
喝啤酒吃烤肉 漂亮妞儿 yeah u know
驾船出海 late-night get high
sebago 配polo 带kangol pogo
如果你也这样儿 听到好听的歌儿就兴奋
那可能 我们就是你们要找的人

D day Everyday Hustle on the way yeah yeah
D day Everyday Hustle on the way yeah yeah

打开副驾驶的车门 先别往里藏
野心驾驶着疯狂 黑夜里的狼
双手配合着机械 创造着音乐
再次听到熟悉旋律 我精神集中
yeah u know
被水淹没的荒漠 视野变得宽阔
一口烈酒再追一口 要开始兴奋
d day everyday get high real life
allla time we Shine know my homie n’G

D day Everyday Hustle on the way yeah yeah
D day Everyday Hustle on the way yeah yeah
D day Everyday Hustle on the way yeah yeah