刘若英 - 继续 给15岁的自己 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Continue To My 15 Year Old Self

Did you know, the 15 year old, unhappy you is always on my mind
How I want to pull the crying you into my embrace
You weren't sure of your shape
Often at odds with the world
Those wounds, I have healed them all for you

The hardest question you were asked in school
All it took to solve it was a few lines of notes
But now, I often like to recall
Recall the 15 year old you who refused to give up
Will the rain stop coming down from the sky? Will it get sunny?
Will happiness be waiting for you and me at the destination?
Would I forget, and still be able to bravely stand in the rain?
Let us keep walking, keep progressing
walking towards the unknown journey that we are expectant of
When you're tired, let's embrace our sincerity
and quietly sleep well

In these years, I've been doing well, at least I didn't let myself down
Thank you, it's your purity that has given me guidance
I've met a lot of people, achieved some accomplishments
You most likely aren't able to imagine yet, how awesome those experiences were
Who says life is fair?
It doesn't care what we want
Thanks for your adamancy
It's because of that, that I was able to become who I am today

Let's keep walking, keep progressing
and see where this road is willing to take us
Let none of us say "let's give up" nor say "I give up hope"
Always listen to the voice in you
When you feel tired, please hold my hand tightly

There are no maps, the only thing to refer to in life is the dream in our hands
Follow its light, bending, finding the place with light
La la la
La la la Our dream from that year
La la la
La la la People need a dream, a brave dream, a crazy dream
Keep walking, keep progressing
beside the road, there are flowers, in our hearts, there's music, in the sky, there are stars

The place where we're going must have the most beautiful scenery
Oh Let none of us give up, nor say "I give up hope"
Don't let down the pure self within our heart
When you're in so much pain you want to cry, let tears wash away our sadness
We need to believe in ourselves, always believe
Our coming into this world isn't meaningless
The things we've done would stay in people's minds
remembered and cherished
One day, I will grow old, I hope you will be satisfied
that I didn't let down, the 15 year old me
原始歌词 (Chinese)

继续 给15岁的自己

知道吗我总是惦记 十五岁不快乐的你
我多想 把哭泣的你 搂进我怀里
那些伤 我终于为你 都一一抚平

天空 会不会雨停 会不会放晴
会不会是我忘记 还能勇敢地去淋雨
我们继续走下去 继续往前进
感觉累了的时候 抱着我们的真心

这些年我还算可以 至少都对得起自己
谢谢你 是你的单纯 给了我指引
遇见过很多很多人 完成了一些些事情
你一定 还无法想象 多精彩过瘾
很感激 你那么倔强

我们继续走下去 继续往前进
我们想去的地方 一定也有人很想去
我们都不要放弃 都别说灰心
感觉累了的时候 请你把我的手握紧

没有地图 人生只能凭
着手上的梦想 Oh~
循着它的光 曲折转弯找到有光的地方
Lalala Lalala
Lalala 那年的梦想
Lalala Lalala
Lalala 人要有梦想 勇敢的梦想 疯狂的梦想
继续走下去 继续往前进

我们要去的那里 一定有最美丽的风景
Oh~ 都不要放弃 都别说灰心
痛到想哭的时候 就让泪水洗掉委屈
我们要相信自己 永远都相信
我们做过的事情 都会留在人心里
有一天我将会老去 希望你会觉得满意
我没有 对不起那个 十五岁的自己