S.H.E - 五月天 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)


By the golden seaside beach, we stand shoulder to shoulder
The clean blue sky, the clear water kiss to form a horizon
Watching your gentle eyes as you pluck the strings of your guitar
The lyrics represent promises, the melody represents your attachment (to me)
Together, singing a Mayday song

A day in May, when summer is newly born
The love between us is finally complete
In our tightly held hands are many tomorrows
A day in May, when dreams start to get vivid
Ahead of us winds a long chain of wishes
That we will day by day slowly realize

A storm washed away some of yesterday’s youth and clouds
Next to the rainbow are a few stars that can’t wait to blink their eyes and twinkle
The sea breeze becomes sweet, the beach is encrusted with sequins
You hum about forever, and I do the same, singing together a Mayday song

A day in May, when summer is newly born
The love between us is finally complete
In our tightly held hands are many tomorrows
A day in May, when dreams start to get vivid
Ahead of us winds a long chain of wishes
That we will day by day slowly realize

The waves keep cheering again and again
Egging us on, seeing who’d kiss the other first
Adding another comma to this May love
No matter how many more May days we have, I’m afraid it won’t be enough to intoxicate us

The seagulls, circling back and forth by our sides, act like guides
As though they hear happiness not too far ahead
Adding a little faith to this May love
For future May days, I’ll go with you further than forever

A day in May, when summer is newly born
The love between us is finally complete
In our tightly held hands are many tomorrows
A day in May, when dreams start to get vivid
Ahead of us winds a long chain of wishes
That we will day by day slowly realize
原始歌词 (Chinese)


黄金海岸的岸边 我们肩并著肩
洁净的蓝天 清澈的水面 吻成一条海平线
看你温柔的双眼 弹著吉他的弦
歌词是诺言 旋律是依恋 唱出一首五月天

五月的天 刚诞生的夏天
我们之间 才完成的爱恋
紧握的手里面 有好多明天
五月的天 梦开始要鲜艳
前方蜿蜒 一长串的心愿
我们一天一天 慢慢实现

大雨冲走了昨天 青春乌云几片
彩虹的旁边 有星星几点 迫不及待在眨眼
海风味道变香甜 沙滩镶满亮片
你哼著永远 我和著不变,合唱一首五月天

五月的天 刚诞生的夏天
我们之间 才完成的爱恋
紧握的手里面 有好多明天
五月的天 梦开始要鲜艳
前方蜿蜒 一长串的心愿
我们一天一天 慢慢实现

海浪 拼命欢呼跳跃 一遍又一遍
鼓励我们 看谁先吻谁的脸
为这五月之恋 再添一个逗点
再多的五月天 怕也不够我们沉醉

海燕 身边来回盘旋 扮演著领队
为这五月之恋 再添一点信念
往后的五月天 和你走到比永远还远

五月的天 刚诞生的夏天
我们之间 才完成的爱恋
紧握的手里面 有好多明天
五月的天 梦开始要鲜艳
前方蜿蜒 一长串的心愿
我们一天一天 慢慢实现